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After photographs were taken, we were escorted to the venue for the party. There would be a meal beforehand too and I was looking forward to it since I was starving. We arrived in and I was pointed towards the main table which was a long, buffet style table at the head of the room.

I was sat on the end of the 'Castillo Family' side as it was named and I was rather frustrated about it as I would be unable to speak to Violetta who was several seats along, especially as I had Olga beside me, who I knew would be blocking my view by talking with Ramallo.

Everyone else had arrived at the venue a long time before us, poised out front preparing for a photo of German and Annalise when they arrived, but I had only just arrived with everyone else that was forced to have their photo taken. When the cars pulled up out front, I immediately shot out and into the venue, desperate to escape all cameras.

I entered alone so no one had any reason to talk, but they still did, regardless of the fact.

I was finding that adding my own opinions to things was really improving my mood. It meant I stopped taking the opinions seriously too.

"She acts as if she's the queen of England, walking around here like she doesn't care about any of this."

Thats because I don't care.

"She shouldn't have come. She moved away so she should just accept she's not a part of the family."

I am not a part of your family. I came for my family. I came for Vilu.

"She's totally different Matt, I promise you. She's been driving me mad all day- how can you not see it"

That was a voice I recongnised.

I stayed facing forward but stopped.

"David, if you are going to speak about me, at least learn to whisper. It's not your forte."

I could basically hear him smiling behind me.

Everyone in the room stopped to listen but I had nothing else to say so just walked to my seat.

A few moments later, the happy couple entered with other close family shortly behind and I was ready for meals to begin. Recently I'd been eating 5 meals a day as part of a new diet but the ceremony meant I hadn't eaten two meals I usually would.

Everyone took their seats and I was ready for food, but German stood up and clinked his wine glass gently.

"Now, everyone. I realise that uaually speeches are done after the food, but today we decided to mix it up."

You have got to be kidding me. I was starving.

"I'd like to begin and tell you all about my wonderful new wife Annalise. I met her when she came to my house to apply at a tutor for my daughter Violetta. She still wanted to study Geography and a few other subjects that she didn't at the studio and this amazing woman turned up at the door to apply for the job."

I probably was looking constipated since my stomach hurt so much.

"She had an instant bond with Violetta that I couldn't explain and as they grew closer, I grew closer to this amazing woman. She fascinated me in so many different ways and I found myself falling in love with her. Daydreaming about her. Thinking up the craziest excuses to speak to her."

My Stomach was killing and I couldn't do anything to stop the pain caused from the starvation.

"She's so important to me, so when she accepted my proposal, I was over the moon. My angel, I lo-"

German was cut of by the rumbling of my stomach which echoed throughout the room.

My eyes went wide when I realised and a chuckle escaped my lips.

"Omygosh, I'm so sorry! Please excuse me."

I quickly jumped from my chair and ran from the room in embarrasment. I had never been so hungry and because of it I'd ruined the speech.

I found a trolley outside, so I dipped into it. I stole a large slab of chocolate cake and after devouring it, attempted to slip back in unnoticed.

I walked back in and overheard more whispers.

"Couldn't even eat breakfast could she? Is she after ruining everything?"

Gosh I'm sorry! I was hungry!

"You'd think she would have ate something before the speeches."

You usually do. It's called the wedding breakfast, yet your idiotic new family member moved it until after the speech.

I took my seat again and listened until the end of the speeches. When they were over, the food was brought out and I was so glad, because I was becoming hungry again.

I devoured my roast dinner happily and when another slab of the chocolate cake that I had just tried arrived in front of me, I attempted to keep a straight face.

I ate my piece but found myself with a smile plastered across  my face throughout.

German's face however, didn't look impressed.

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now