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I could not recall the previous evening well. I couldn't tell you what happened after German walked away from me and I fell.

I fell onto my knees in the muddy grass of the venue's gardens but I couldn't tell you how I got back from there.

The only thing I remember was the wet and cold.

Maybe the wet was just my tears, maybe it was spitting of rain, maybe I had got caught in a torrential downpour. I couldn't tell you.

I was lay on the sofa of the rented apartment in yesterday's dress. One of my heels sat by the door, the other one wasn't in sight.

And my bag? I'd no idea where I had left it.

I pulled myself off of the sofa and pushed back my hair so I could see. The apartment was perfect white, clean, untouched perfection. I had three weeks here, yet I didn't want to stay for more then three minutes.

I knew running away from my problems would not do me any good, yet I didn't know what else to do.

Violetta would forgive me. Surely.

I went over to the side and picked up my laptop. I waited for it to turn on while I went to the bathroom.

I was a mess.

I pulled my hair back into a messy bun, just to get it out of the way for a while and attempted to scrub away my mascara stains, but I hadn't the effort to do it all.

I clicked onto the booking site I'd been using and began to search through flights home when the doorbell rang.

Instinctively, I ignored it as I wished to be alone.

Yet the person outside refused to leave and was knocking and ringing and knocking and ringing.

I dragged myself up from my seat frustrated and swung the door open violently.

David stood in the doorway, still in yesterday's tux.

I was suddenly aware of how I looked.

I quickly dipped my head.

I saw David's foot move forewards and then felt his touch on my chin.

He lifted it so I was forced to make eye contact and I hadn't the energy to resist.

"Angie, I-"

David stopped.

I remained silent, not having anything I could say without crying.

"I think you need some sleep." he said, gently running his fingers down the side of my face.

"I've slept." I said in whisper.

"You don't look so good though, you need a bit longer."

David grabbed my hand and led me to the sofa, he sat down and pulled me down beside him and through exaustion, I gave in, dropping my head onto his chest. I had no sarcasm to throw at him and I didn't think he would throw any at me. He was too nice.

"Violetta told me you were staying here. Sorry if I woke you."

He gently flattened my hair down and the motion was reassuring.

I sighed, "No, you didn't. I was ignoring you. I didn't know it was you, I just-"

David sighed too, "No, I get it. You don't feel like talking."

I nodded, feeling my eyes drop, "Do you know?"

David let go of a deep breath as if he'd been holding it for hours.

"Yeah, I do. I saw."

I choked, "You saw?"

David stroked my hair, "You were so strong."

A tear slid down my cheek.

"I have to go. I don't belong here. It's time for me to leave."

David lifted me up and looked me in the eyes, "It won't solve anything. You've done nothing."

I shook my head, "I fell in love with him in the first place. I did something, I did the wrong thing."

David's eyes were brimming with tears, "This sounds mad. Yet, I don't want you to go. I want you to stay."

I shook my head, "It's for the best."

David gazed into my eyes, "It's not. It would be so much better if you stayed. We need you."

I sighed, "No you don't, I can't stay because of German, no one here needs me."

David let out an annoyed sigh, "German's gone, Angie!"

I held my breath, "What?"

David ran his fingers through his hair, "He's gone. I followed him afterwards back to the party and- and I outed him! Told Annalise all he said and - and he left!"

I couldn't breathe.


"He's just gone, He's not in Buenos Aires. No one knows where he is."

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