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I took the bags back into Violetta's room and helped her finish packing. As we did I explained about finding the pocket diaries and she listened intently. Together we managed to pack all of her stuff within a couple of hours.

When we stepped back and saw the room without pictures on the wall, clothes in the wardobe and knick-nacks on the side, both of us fell silent. It was like it looked when Violetta stepped foot in the house for the first time in years, just over three years ago. Just how I remember seeing it when I became her governess and she hadn't yet known who she wanted to be.

Violetta released a long, exausted breath.

"This is my last night in my room."

I stopped looking and instead went to the bed and sat down, looking only at Violetta.

"So many memories in here."

Violetta smiled, "Yeah, so many good ones. My life truly began in this room. I had friends in here for sleepovers. Boys snuck in here to see me. My totally amazing and adorable aunt sat in here all the time with me and my dad would pretend he was coming to see me, when he actually came for her."

Violetta took my hands and swung our arms.

"I just wish we could go back you know? Everything was much easier before my dad started worring about the whole 'your maria's sister' issue. Part of me wishes he'd have never found out because who knows the two of you-"

I cut her off, "Watch what you say Vilu. Your dad is spoken for and you know it."

She groaned, "Yeah I know. The blumbering idiot went and married the wrong woman. Yet despite how long it took he still realised that. On the phone he was about to say he loved you and you wouldn't let him."

I sighed, dropping my head, "Your dad needs to realise that he said the same thing to his wife the day before. Violetta, despite your wishes and his, it's not right. He's married and I'm- I'm happy anyway."

Violetta smiled, "Yeah you are. With David."

I smiled back and she giggled, "Oh you haven't smiled that smile in a long time, gosh how he's got to you!"

I smiled and knocked her back gently, "Be quiet. Don't make me sad."

Violetta frowned, "How could that make you sad?"

I shrugged, "That we're leaving and he can't come."

Violetta rolled her eyes, "Err why not?"

I sighed, "If he ran off with us Violetta, his family would disown him, you know how they are against us right now, especially me. So, it's just best for him. I told him to come and find me, when all of this dies down, but, but-" A tear slid down my cheek, "I know in my heart that he cannot. I know that when we say goodbye it will be goodbye."

Violetta held me tight, "Gosh! You've known him a day and already you're head over heels."

I shrugged and smiled, "Yeah, it's nuts really. Yet when I came yesterday, he was the only person that didn't know me, that was kind enough to actually get to know me and not judge me based on rumor. He's so kind like that, but also funny and kind of careless which I like you know? I'm quite clumsy myself. He's just the most genuine person I've met in a long time and you can hear it in his laugh."

Violetta grinned, "It's nice seeing you loved up, despite everything. I miss the days when you had a spring in your step and extra rosy cheeks because something had happened with my dad that causes your heart to skip a beat."

I smiled, memories flooding back and I admitted something I didn't even know myself.

"Me too."

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