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I knocked on the door gently.

"I've told you all to leave me alone!" cried an agitated Violetta from inside.

I sighed, "Well it's the first time I've heard you say it."

Instantly, I heard the lock click and the door opened.

Violetta stood in her mother's polka-dot pyjamas in front of me with tears visible on her cheeks.

"Get in here quickly." she said, looking about for anyone else.

I nodded and slipped through the door, which she locked straight after.

I moved upwards to the main part of the attic and saw that Violetta too had taken her bridesmaids dress and shoved it in the corner.

Scarily similar to Annalise.

"I thought you'd left." said Violetta, moving up and sitting on the floor.

I sighed, "Well I almost did."

Violetta nodded.

I slipped onto the floor beside her and presented her with the tray.

Orange Juice. Toast. An Apple. Her Diary.

I'd grabbed it from her room on my way to see her.

"Thanks." she said, placing the diary beside her and reaching for her glass.

I smiled. It was worth coming here to see my neice, dressed in her mothers favourite pyjamas, grown into a young lady.

For a while we sat alone in silence. Violetta ate and I watched. It was a welcomed peace.

Eventually however, Violetta had to break it.

"He's really messed up now hasn't he." she said sighing.

I nodded, "Yeah. This time he wasn't saved before he signed the marriage papers."

Violetta stared at me, "It's not funny."

She was deadly serious.

"No, I didn't mean it to be. Violetta, I-"

She cut me off.

"No. No. I'm sorry. You didn't mean it, I just-"

She couldn't say anymore.

Tears slid down her face.

I pulled her into me and she wept.

"What am I going to do Angie? My Dad's gone. I'm here with people I thought would be my family, but now- now they all hate me."

I tried to soothe her. Insisiting she not speak.

"Vilu, dear, you don't have to do anything."

She looked up to me and I wiped her tears.

"So I just stay here? Hope my dad turns up? Hope I don't end up alone?"

I shook my head.

"No.No. You don't have to do anything because you've got me. I've got the apartement for nineteen more days remember? You can stay with me for now."

Violetta looked at the floor.

"And after the nineteen days? If my dad's not back?"

I shrugged, "We'll figure that out later on."

Violetta shook her head.

"No.No. I have an idea, we have to sort this now."

I nodded and that was when I heard a knock on the door.

"Angie, I need to speak to you."

It was David, he sounded worried.

"Two Minutes!" I called back to him.

"Your idea?" I asked, turning back to Vilu.

"Well, if you'll have me, if Dad doesn't come back I-"

David cut her off.

"Angieeeeee I need you NOW!"

I rolled my eyes.

"I said two minutes!" I cried, annoyed.

I looked back to Vilu, "Yeah?"

She looked at me, "Shouldn't you go talk to him."

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing could be more important then you, continue Vilu. I'm here."

She smiled, "Well," her eyes were full of hope, "The Studio is over, all my friends have gone seperate ways. I could come with you. We could live in France together, I've always wondered about coming to be with you there."

I smiled, "You'd want that? But what about Leon? Your dad?"

She shrugged, "Leon's on tour, he won't be around here for at least a year and Dad? I don't know if he'll be back to care."

I hugged her, "I'm sure he will but you know what, I'd love that. I'd love me and you in France. If you want that- then - then so do I."

Violetta hugged back, "I-"

Then violent banging came on the door.

"I'm being serious now Angie get out here!" cried David.

I rolled my eyes at Violetta and stood up. This man was overexaggerating obviously.

That's when I heard her yelling.


And my eyes went wide.

Attending his WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now