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German seemed desperate to speak to me and part of me did want to know what was so important. It would be ten o clock in five minutes.

I couldn't go and speak to him though, it would just cause issues and I didn't have the energy to deal with everyone's insecurities.

Instead, after our conversation, I went to the bathroom and then decided to meet David at the bar. Needless to say, he was exactly where I expected him to be and as I walked up to him, a smile spread across his face.

"Hey Angie! Where have you been?"

I took a seat and he passed me a drink.

"After my dance with German I just popped to the bathroom. I didn't realise I'd been so long, sorry."

"Hey, no problem. I was thinking you'd ran out on me."

I smiled, "No, trust me if I was leaving, there would be cake in my hand. Currently I've been given no cake, so I suppose I'll have to stay a little longer."

David laughed and his eyes sparkled.

"Wanna take a walk?" he asked.

I nodded and we made our way into the corridor.

"You know, you are not like anyone I've ever met." he said, edging a little closer.

"In a good or bad way? I asked.

David tucked a stand of my hair behind my ear, "Definately a good way, a great way in fact. It's like you've got a magic touch, because I only met you this morning and already I feel like I've known you my whole life and when we are together, even if others are around, you make me feel like the centre of attention. I can't explain it."

I smiled, "Really?"

David took my hand, "Why is that so hard to believe?"

I shrugged, "It's not, I've just never been told that before. My sister could do that you see and I didn't know I could. It's a lovely surprise."

David just smiled.

"Yeah well you make me feel so important, I'd hate to not get to spend everyday with you now that I know you. You make all worries fade away. I can't really explain it but all I know is that I feel sorry for people you don't talk too, because they are missing out."

I laughed, "You're exaggerating!"

He shook his head, "I'm not. Surely you can think of some guys who have fallen for you and you've only ever thought they were a friend."

I grimaced.

"Maybe a few."

David laughed, "I knew it. See! You made them feel so important that they centred their lives around you. They fell for you. You didn't see it though. It's crazy that you don't see it."

"Just shut up. I can't kiss you if you keep talking." I said leaning in.

Our lips locked and I was lost in happiness.

The one long connection our lips shared sent me breathless. It was a kiss unlike any I'd had in a while.

When I pulled back, I let my nose lay on his and I saw him smile.

"I'm totally right. You are way out of my league." he said, panting.

I laughed, "Shut up."

"It's true. I-"

I put my finger to his lips.

"What did I tell you. I can't kiss you if you keep talking."

I leaned in again, but before I could enjoy it, I felt a strong grip on my arm.

I was dragged backwards and away from David.

When I looked up I saw it was German who had dragged me back.

"What the hell?" I cried looking up at him.

"I told you we needed to talk."

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