Goodbye again

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[Hello all! Sorry this has taken so long :( I'm useless... Anyway here is the penultimate chapter! The last one will be posted on Friday and I hope to complete Twisted soon as well! I know this book is shorter than usual but it's how I like it! Hope you enjoy!]

His lips lingered on mine for just one more moment.

"I don't understand you." He whispered onto my lips.

Smiling against his touch, I replied, "Neither do I."

German has always been the one thing I've not been able to comprehend.

All my life, I've been able to organise my thoughts and feelings clearly and without problem, but German, I've never been able to determine a black or white approach.

He was my brother in law, so it's so wrong, but in moments like this, it feels so, so right.

"What do I do?" He whispers almost unaudibly.

I sighed, "Well I can't marry someone who's already married."

Germans eyes widened, "Marry?"
I shrugged, "I don't wanna mess around anymore German. Your either with me, or your not."

German ran his fingers along my face, "Okay. I'll fix it."

He was leaning in again when I heard the door open. Instinctively, I jumped back, just in time as well, for Violetta to walk in.

She remained still when she entered.

"Dad?" She prompted, her voice breaking, "What are you doing here?"

"I - I'm err, I'm-" German stood up wearily, "I came to fix things."
Violetta folded her arms, on the defensive, "The problems are in Argentina, not here."

German sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "But you're here Vilu. And, and I want you to come home with me."

Violetta exploded, "You're not in charge of me! You can't force me to do anything!"

German jumped in before she could continue, "No, no what I mean is- you don't have to. I just, I would like you too. I want you to have your own home back, I want you to be back with your friends, I want my daughter. I need her."

Violetta's eyes brimmed with tears, "I need my dad too."

She pulled him into a tight hug and tears of relief streamed down both of their faces.

When they pulled apart, Violetta looked at me.

"But Angie- I-" Violetta said, "What about you?"

I shrugged, "I was always supposed to be back here, and I certainly can't be anywhere near Annalise. I suppose- I'll just wait for you to call."

German and Violetta looked down, "When everything is sorted, tell me, and I'll come. But for now, I think it's best I stay where I am. But you guys go."

Violetta sat beside me and took my hands, "I don't know if I can bear to say goodbye again."

I smiled, "It's not goodbye, it's au revoir, because you'll see me again."

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