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"That's it. You need to seem like you are about to kiss, but don't because I am trying to take a photo." said the photographer who was furiously yelling new commands.

Immediate family were required for the photoshoot and apparently I was requested as a member for German's side. Olga and Ramallo were too even though all of us are not related to him.

Currently they were taking photos of German and Annalise so we were on the side waiting our turn.

"Not enjoying the wedding?" came a voice from behind.

I turned around to see... God I couldn't remember his name.

"I'm enjoying it, I just hate having my photo taken." I replied to him.

"Well, Angie right?" I nodded and he continued, "I don't see how that's possible when you are so beautiful."

"I'm allowed to hate whatever I want regardless of anything. I could be excellent at math and still hate it." I replied.

"Okay, Okay, point taken." he said laughing.

"Anyway, I don't know who you are, yet you seem to know me, not that I'm surprised." I said watching for his reation.

He just smiled.

"I'm David." That was his name! Of course!, "And may I ask why you said it's not a surprise we know you."

"My neice filled me in on how I'm all anyone cares about. Plus, I heard the gossip myself when I entered the church." I said smirking, "It's quite entertaining."

"You think it's funny that my whole family hates you because they are scared you'll steal German from Annalise?" he said shocked.

"Yes because anyone who has known me for the last year would tell you there is more chance of me liking having my photo taken then there is of me liking him again."

David smiled, "Your so fiesty and my sisters not. How can German go from you to her?"

I laughed, "I wasn't like this when German loved me. Oh no. I was horrificly oblivious to life. Things have changed since then, now I can stand in front of him without bowing my head in embarrasment. Now the only reason I'd look down when I'm with him is if I'm wearing my monster heels and I'm taller than him."

David laughed, he had a genuine deep laugh.

"Well It's good to hear that. Maybe it will put some of the family at peace. Everyone is worried about you trying to take him back, I mean when you walked in the church wearing that..."

David moved his hands in a way that suggested an explosion, I couldn't help but smile.

"I know, I heard lots of peoples comments about it." I stepped forward so I was against him and in a hushed voice I said, "But I notice you didn't seem to have a problem with it."

David began to fidgit. I was waiting for his answer.

"Castillo Family pictures now please!" called the photographer.

I stepped back, "Lucky you, you were saved that time."

David exhaled, "You.... you're a crazy woman."

I smiled as I began to walk off and when I turned to take my position in the photo, I could see he was still watching me.

The first photo was of us all, so German stood in the middle, with Violetta and I at one side and Ramallo and Olga at the other.

I smiled politely, but I hated having my photo taken.

The following photo was of German, Olga and Ramallo so I stepped back courtesly with Violetta, that's when she warned me.

"Her whole family hates you Angie and thinks your here to tear up the wedding. You have to smile like you are happy for them."

"I am happy Violetta. I just hate photos."

Violetta sighed, "I know that but they don't and they'll hold it against you."

"I don't care what they think Vilu, but thanks for looking out for me."

Violetta looked mad, "You should care Angie. They'll be family soon."

"Not my family."

Violetta looked hurt.

"Vilu.. please, you have to understand. You will always be my family, that photo with us five is my family, but I can't take on a family that see me as a threat, that will always treat me like a bomb they are waiting to go off. They don't know me Vilu."

"I know! Which is why you have to get to know them! They'll realise you are great!" said Violetta, "I just want you here with me always and now we have new family too, I don't want you to leave again and I worry they'll drive you away again."

I sighed, "They won't drive me away."

"Dad did." said Violeta sadly.

"And now, because of him, I'm back. It's his wedding and new family that brought me back, so please, please don't worry. You won't lose me again Vilu, I'm back now."

Violetta smiled and we went for our photo with German.

Violetta hugged her father from the side and I felt German's arm wrap around my waist, pulling us closer for the photo.

I looked at Violetta as the photo was taken and a smile came to my face. She was looking up at her father in admiration, smiling happily. Strangely, I could have sworn that I felt German's eyes on me.

A/N: Quite a nice end so you don't freak out over Christmas. I'll post the next chapter sometime next week before the year ends :)
I hope you all have a great christmas!
Merry Christmas~
Joyeux Noël~
Frohes Weihnachten~
Feliz Navidad~
Buen Natale~

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