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[A/N: I hope you like this chapter. It's my favourite so far! Especially the last line! Yeah that's all I have to say :)]

I unlocked the door as fast as I could and sprinted down the stairs. She had my phone and he called.

Violetta and David followed behind.

In the living room stood a seething Annalise, who was screaming down the phone.

"You phoned her to explain did you?" she spat, "Surely I am the one who deserves an explanation German? Me, Annalise, your wife!"

I entered the living room and her eyes locked on me.

"Oh, look who joined the party, I suppose you want your dead wifes sister on the phone. It is her you called right?"

I heard Violetta swallow hard behind me. Referring to Maria in such a way has always hurt all of us, adding me into it, well she was just asking for it.

"Will I please just put Angie on the phone?" says Annalise sarcastically, "Why German so you can tell her you love her?"

I shook my head.

She must really be hurting. I understood that. I can imagine it's not easy being told your husband doesn't love you on the day of your wedding. That he's gone off kissing his sister in law.

Yet again, it's also not easy having a man make you fall madly in love with him, only to tear your heart out multiple times. Like everytime he kissed another. Or everytime he married another. Or everytime he made me fall in love with him. That one especially hurt when I didn't know it was him.

"You know what, speak to your precious Angie, let's see her face light up when you tell her you love her."

Annalise held out the phone.

Her mother objected, "Don't give her the phone, who knows what they'll plot if you can't hear."

I sighed and took the phone from her hands, clicking the speaker on, so they could all hear.

"You better have a damn good explaination German." I said into the air.

He sighed through the phone.

"No. No. I don't."

I rolled my eyes, "Good job I didn't expect you to have one then. Now where are you?"

"I won't say."

If I knew where he was I'd strangle him.

"Where are you hiding German. Stop this charade and get back here and face the consequences."

"I can't yet Angie." he replied stubbornly.

"Well then what are you calling for!" I yelled.

"I'm calling to tell you-"

I cut him off. If he says them three words not only will her entire family flip but I will too.

"Choose your words carefully German."

He sighed, "I was just calling to tell you that I- I'm not coming back straight away and that, you should look after Violetta whilst I'm gone."

"Get here and be her Father. The one she deserves! I'm not her Mother"

"If it were up to me you would be!"

I was taken aback and clearly so was Violetta.

"Take that back. Maria-" I spat, but German cut me off.

"You know what I mean Angie. Don't pretend you don't. I loved your sister, but I lo-"

I hung up the phone and threw it at the wall.

It smashed violently and landed across the floor, similarly to the way my heart had been thrown every time I allowed him to say those words before.

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