، 𝖔. ⨾ 𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗇𝖺

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the last one became a little
longer, hold on your horses.

this is all fiction and it's not
construed as reality, so don't get
triggered because this is
only apart of the story.


     BOBBY HAS ALWAYS LIKED THE PERSIAN-KOREAN AND EVEN LOOKED UP TO HER, but that likeness slowly crumbled away when she rejected him

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     BOBBY HAS ALWAYS LIKED THE PERSIAN-KOREAN AND EVEN LOOKED UP TO HER, but that likeness slowly crumbled away when she rejected him. The rejection is not about music, but about relationships, in which he tried to shoot his shot by asking her numerous of times, even when she kindly declined to every one of them.

Elena didn't have a problem with him asking her out since she was used to males trying to get her number and ask her out, but when Bobby became oblivious of her declines, it became too much for her likening. She had confronted him about it, telling him that she's not interested and told him that he could do so much better, and he was younger than her which made the situation even weirder.

Bobby became hurt and even offended when she said no, starting to lose his respect towards her. It's an immature act in Elena's opinion because he couldn't understand what situation she was in, and telling him about her recent breakup (since she was in a vulnerable state at that time) was not the smartest idea to do when he couldn't accept her declines.


     FOR SOME REASON, Tiffany got a weird vibe around Elena when they first worked with each other

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FOR SOME REASON, Tiffany got a weird vibe around Elena when they first worked with each other. The girls had a collaboration and they were both very excited to work with each other. Tiffany had been following her solo career for a few years and she found her very inspiring and wanted to work with her. Elena felt the same way about the female and felt very honored when she called her for a future music collaboration. They kept in touch before their official meeting and were very excited.

     Unfortunately, for Tiffany, her experience with the soloist didn't go well as she expected. She thought she would be so happy with discussing about her ideas and plans and that she would understand, but Elena didn't, in her view.

     Tiffany disagreed with a lot of things on what Elena suggested and became picky with some of her choices, and she even went far with canceling the collaboration. She started to get mixed feelings with her, and she felt guilty because she really wanted to work with her, but it was something that she felt and couldn't seem to avoid it.

     This led to a confused Elena, pondering about what she did wrong, making her feel upset and not good enough, which made Tiffany almost breaking down in front of her when she wanted to cancel by looking into those gorgeous brown eyes whom she has grown to love so much.

     Elena had no idea, though, because Tiffany didn't voice out her feelings, not wanting to hurt her even more. Elena's only thought about the whole incident was that maybe she didn't want to rush into things since Tiffany was slowly starting to get out of her comfort zone (solo activities). Tiffany's intentions were good and she finds it wrong to be mean and unfair towards her. She hopes one day to be true with her and apologize on her unexplained reasons for the cancellation.

update: new updates and accusations has been posted regarding mina and jimin this year, and this part was written after the first allegation went public. read at your own risk. (15.12.21)

     ELENA IS NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK HER MIND, especially when it comes to people who are egocentric and two-faced around others

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ELENA IS NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK HER MIND, especially when it comes to people who are egocentric and two-faced around others. Going through bullying back in high school, Elena made sure that no one was gonna suffer from abuse and mistreatment in front of her and around people she cherished the most.

Jimin happens to be one of them, sadly. She can't stand the Persian-Korean and dislikes her with a passion, finding her annoying and childlike.

This all happened when Elena had the same schedule as AOA back in 2018. Elena had no problem with starting a conversation with Jimin when they met, and she found her pretty decent and it was nice at first, but hell broke loose once she found out about her odd behavior towards some of her members, especially with Mina.

     She truly enjoyed Mina's company and found her adorable, making Jimin rolling her eyes in annoyance watching her member getting too comfortable with her. Elena started to noticed how tense and stiff Mina was whenever Jimin came into the room and she had a small habit of scooting closer to Elena by softly tugging at her clothes or leaning onto her arm.

Elena thought Jimin was joking most of the time since everyone around them started to laugh and brushed it off, but her gut said otherwise. She directly confronted her after Jimin's attempt at pushing one of her member's buttons, starting to argue about her behavior and nasty attitude. Jimin didn't like the tone she was receiving and told her to "Simply fuck off", and called her names in front of everyone, making the others scared of her angry outburst towards the soloist.

     Elena being Elena, didn't pay any attention or tried to fight back, she still treated her kindly just like everyone else, but with more tolerance and she had her limits, because she didn't want to cause a scandal of any kind. Elena protected Mina and tried to stand up for her, but Mina politely shrugged her off and told her it wasn't necessary, which made Elena's blood boil. She becomes a whole another person when she's serious and angry, and people don't have the courage to speak to her at this state.

Jimin had no shame when talking about Elena during an interview. The MC became very interested about Jimin's thoughts towards Elena since they did a few promotions together and fans loved to see them performing. What they didn't expect was Jimin's shade towards her.

"She's a know-it-all kind of person and it became annoying afterwards and she's so full of herself." She explained to the interviewer with a blank expression, making the MC's eyes widen at her comment. "I honestly don't understand the hype around her, like she's so big, but for what? I don't get it." After this, fans became furious and didn't like how she talked about the soloist and it became worse when the scandal started about the bullying.

Elena once spoke about the scandal since she became involved and dragged into it. A fan once asked her about what she thinks of Jimin in general and wanted her opinion on the whole situation, and boy, Elena did NOT hold back: "If only her dad used a condom, the world would be a better place." A pretty brutal comment, but it had to be said.

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