، 𝖔. ⨾ 𝗋𝗎𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝖺𝗇 ❪ 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁. 𝗷𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 ❫

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"WE WANT A HORROR ROOM." Jennie told the team with confidence. Elena's eyes widened and looked at her like she had grown two heads.

Elena laughed nervously, "Wait, hold on." She told the staff but they didn't budge and agreed on her idea.

"We choose horror room!" Jennie repeated with a happy grin on her face.

Elena turned her head to her and glared, "No we're not! Why can't I say something?"

"Good luck!"

Jennie dragged Elena as they walked out the room. She jerked her hand away and looked at their team with confusion.

Jisoo chuckled as she watched Jennie dragging their older friend to the door. "Jennie, you should lead Elena."

"Poor Elena." She whined as they walked over the entrance. "Are you confident, Unnie?"

Elena scoffed, throwing her hands up, "No! Why would you choose that?" She asked the younger girl with a scowl.

"Don't worry! I can lead, Ella." She reassured her with a soft smile. "I think I can do this!"

"I think I'm gonna throw up, Jennie."

She hit her arm and laughed, "You're a baby."

Elena rolled her eyes and linked her arms with her, "To win, you should let me lead, El."

She nodded her head with a sigh, "Alrighty, lets just get this over with."

"Follow me, okay?"

"Who else am I gonna follow? The ghosts?" She grumbled while running a hand through her hair.

They held hands as they walked inside, "1,2,3!"

"I don't like this, I don't like this. ." Elena repeated with shaky breaths. Jennie started to yell and pulled away from her grasp and speed walked down the hallway

Elena closed her eyes, "Ok, man up, I can do thi-"
She screamed when a face popped out of the corner.

She ran after Jennie, calling out her name, "Why is she-wait for me! Dude!"

Jennie still screamed and suddenly shrieked, startled by a face in front of her, "Unnie!"

Elena jumped, her blood turning cold as she came crying to her. She held her arm and started screaming. "What, what, what! What happened?!"

"I was in a hurry and I got scared."


"There was a person here!"

"There's a person in the corner!" She cried still holding Elena's arm. She hissed and pulled her hand away from her throbbing arm. "Ow, Jennie that hurts!"

"Stay calm, I can be the lead this time."

She said before someone came in and jumped on her. She screamed Bloody Murder and pushed him.

"And you said you wasn't scared! My ass!" Elena tried to lighten the mood. Jennie hid behind her and held her shoulder, still a screaming mess.

"Hold on, love."

"No, I can't keep going, Elli! Help me!"

"I'll go first this time!" Elena told her, patting her back.

Elena walked slowly to the hallway with a startled Jennie following behind her.

"There's nothing here!"

"Ok what do I do? Do I go first!"

Jennie sobbed and shook her head,"You go first, Unnie, I can't."

"Jennie, are you okay, darling?" She said as her eyes softened, glancing at her worriedly.

"It's okay, we will get out of here." Elena comforted her with a smile, putting a few hair strands away from her face.

"She's crying, oh my God! Jennie it's alright!" She grimaced and looked at the camera grew with an anxious look.

"Just hold my hand." Elena told her once again, but she didn't budge. She sighed, "Jennie, c'mon, go!"

"No, I don't think I can do this." Jennie whimpered, looking at her with teary eyes.

"It won't scare you."

"I'll be there, Jen."

They walked sideways and Elena had to hold the wall since it was very dark. When they came to the next room a face popped up, making Jennie fall down on her butt.

Elena yelled and screamed, "Would you stop that, God, I think I'll die from a heart attack."

Elena looked down to see Jennie curled up into a ball. She sighed and dragged her up and held her hand, "C'mon, Jennie!"

She still kept weeping and sobbing into her arm. Another face popped up and the pair screamed in fear.

"I'm gonna die, Ella!"

"Stop!" Elena screamed at the person.

"Let's jusy hurry I don't wanna do this anymore!" A loud bang erupts the walls, making the girls startled as they ran down the hallway almost seeing the door.

"C'mon, Jennie, we're almost there!" She held her hand and walked close to the door only for Jennie to fall down the floor from exhaustion and anxiety.

"It's okay! We made it!" Elena grinned at the younger with a bright smile, giving her thumbs up.

"They said nothing pops up!"

"Bora-unnie said that!"

"We're alive, boo!" She wrapped her arm around her shoulder and led her inside the studio where she saw all the staff, Elena screamed, startling them.

"Look at her!"

"You said nothing pops up!"

"We're really sorry!"

"You guys lost!"

"She literally bawled her eyes out as we went inside!" Elena told them, stifling a laugh.

"I was so scared, I'm sorry!"

"Jennie, are you okay?" Bora asked her with a grin.

"You lied!"

"There were people scaring me!" Elena wiped her face with a towel and sighed, "She's literally the biggest corward I've ever seen."

The crew laughed, "Are you okay, Elena?"

"I'm peachy!"

"She started to cry as soon as we went down the hallway." She explained, "She was like "I'll go first' I'll do it!" Follow me!"

"She then screams and continued to cry!"

"Aww look at her, she's so cute!" Jisoo gushed at her member with a pout. Elena looked at the younger and chuckled, Jennie pouted and went into her arms, "I'm sorry, Ella."

She smiled, "It's fine, darling! Next time, when we're teaming up together we will definitely not choose horror room, okay?" She said with a strict tone, giving her a scary look.

Jennie nodded her head, smiling, "Deal!"

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