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x. mama 2017 win
( this is for my nian stans ! )

     "THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE FOR FAVORITE DUO IS, ELENA & BTS!" The crowd roared and applauded. Elaheh looked at Jin with a worried look, not knowing what to do since the rest of the boys are god knows where.

Jin shrugged and stood up from his chair while having a big smile on his face. He held out his hand and she took it, smiling nervously. The crowd screamed as the pair walked up the stairs to receive their award.

Jin put a hand on her back as they walked over to the microphone. Elaheh bowed to the MC as she took the award.

"Wow," she breathed out, shyly waving the crowd. Jin chuckled, standing beside her, having a soft smile on his face.

"Thank you, wow, this is crazy. Can you believe it's been 4 years in the making." Jin said to the crowd, grinning.

"Yeah, you know, I think what's crazier, Jin, is that the beginning of your trainee days, I wasn't really fond of you." Elaheh playfully said while the crowd laughed.

"Keep lying to yourself, honey." He sang, winking at her. She giggled and shook her head.

"But it's the the truth!"

"Well, eventually she fell in love me," Jin cockily said, taking the award out of her hands.

"And then we started dating," Elaheh added.

"And then we broke up,"

"And we're working at the same company." The crowd died of laugher, even the MC had a laughing fit.

"It's a good thing it's not awkward!" Elaheh chimed, smiling. The pair glanced at each other and laughed awkwardly.

"Well, it's a good thing we have chemistry!" Jin rejoiced and her kissed her cheek, side hugging her. She blushed, softly smiling at him. Jungkook cheered at his seat and clapped, along with Taehyung who filmed the whole thing.



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xx. dad jokes

     ELAHEH ROLLED HER EYES IN FAKE ANNOYANCE TO HER BOYFRIENDS JOKE. She refused to give in while biting her lip, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Jin was funny yes, but today he was being extra cocky, and she could be funny as him, but he wasn't giving any change to prove her humor since he was either saying jokes or laughing at himself.

"C'mon, love," Jin said, almost tearing up of his own joke. "That was a good one," his eyes were red and he tried so hard to hold his laugher inside but he couldn't. He fell by her side at the end of the bed and cracked up. She ended up laughing and lied down by his side, giggling.

"It is, babe," she cleaned a tear rolling down his cheek, chuckling.

"I have a better one," Elaheh said playfully with a smirk, moving on their bed to take a seat on top of him.

He raised an eyebrow, "You do?" She nodded, smiling cheekily as she leaned down for a kiss.

"Lots of them," she whispered. He placed his hands on her waist and pouted.

"So mines aren't good?" She pecked his lips while giggling.

"I'm not saying that, I mean that I can be more funnier than you," he huffed and shook his head.

"That's impossible, you can't be more funnier than me, it's my job!" He sassily said. She was about to reply back but was interrupted by Yoongi, who was standing at the doorway, looking at them with annoyance.

"None of you are funny, I'm trying to sleep here, idiots!" The pair jumped and looked at him. Elaheh awkwardly pulled away from Jin and muttered a sorry.

Jin rolled his eyes, "Why do you always seem to ruin our moments," he closed his eyes and sighed.

Jin rolled his eyes, "Why do you always seem to ruin our moments," he closed his eyes and sighed

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xxx. attention seeker

     "YOU'RE AWARE THAT I BROUGHT MY GIRLFRIEND HERE SO I COULD SPEND SOME TIME WITH HER RIGHT, BOYS?" The older member asked the maknae line, who were surrounded around her on the couch.

Elaheh chuckled and walked over to Jin and kissed his lips tenderly. "It's okay, honey. I'll help them out and then we can do something-"

"Nasty," Jungkook interrupted her with a cocky smile. Taehyung and Jimin snickered, looking at the pair with a funny look.

"What's this, middle school?" Elaheh sneered, looking at the younger member with a look.

Elaheh were sitting on the floor of Jin and Yoongi's shared bedroom, arranging some pillows and blankets to make it comfortable and engaged on a match of Mario Kart.

"I swear they're a pain in the ass," Jin muttered to himself and sat down next to her, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"Tell me about it," she kissed his forehead softly. He sighed dramatically and took the remote to turn the tv on.

"Whatever, Mario always makes me feel better."

you babes asked for it! here it is ;)
we hit 22k reads, you guys are the best! <3

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