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▬▬▬ 月亮孩子 ,
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ 𝑴𝑶𝑶𝑵  𝑪𝑯𝑰𝑳𝑫
❪ 𝖔. 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖆 𝖈𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 ❫

 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖆 𝖈𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 ❫

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          ELENA PUSHED TOM WITH A GLARE, mumbling under her breath as she watched him teasing her of her huge crush on one of his co-stars. The soloist finally had the time to focus on her acting career and taking a break from her music. She nearly broke down in tears after receiving a call from Kevin Feige, telling her that she got the role. She was set to film today and meet the cast of Avengers and she was over the moon.

          She's been texting Tom nonstop earlier today about how nervous she is about meeting the others and asked him to pick her up so that they could go together, not wanting to go all alone. The younger boy reassured her that it's nothing to be stressed about and told her that they all were normal people, and also adding that a certain superhero was also excited to meet her, which caused Elena to choke on air.

          Tom laughed and shook his head at her, finding her funny. "Elaheh has a crush on Chris Evans!" he sang out loud while getting inside the studio. Her eyes widened and ran after him, covering his mouth. "Tom, for the love of God, please shut up!" she pleaded, looking around her to see the crew members looking weirdly at the pair.

          He licked her hand, which caused her to pull away and looked at him with utter disgust. Tom laughed at her face and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leading her to the others, who were also excited to meet her.

          "C'mon, Ella, we're almost there!" he chimed, looking at his best friend with a grin. Elena's stomach fluttered, already feeling her hands clammy and she had a hard time paying attention to Tom's speaking.

          "W-What if they think I'm weird?" she said to herself, looking down at her shoes, nervously playing with her hands.


          "Or, what if they don't want to work with me?" she stressed out, looking at Tom with an anxious look, her breathing getting shallow. Tom's eyes softened and stopped at the door, turning around to stand in front of the anxious girl.

          He sighed and put both of his on her shoulders, "They will love you, Ella. There's nothing to be worried about, and even if they don't like you I'll just kick all of their asses." he told her with a smile, squeezing her shoulder.

          Elena nodded her head at his words, chuckling at the end. "You're right! I'm just overreacting, I guess," she said in a quiet voice. She looked at him with a smile and smoothed down her skirt.

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