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     ELENA WAVED AT THE CROWD, blowing out kisses to her fans as they took pictures at her. Other idols were doing same thing as they waved and filmed the crowd, greeting everyone.

The awards was coming to an end and everyone was gathering together to say their goodbyes and celebrate. Elena did her last goodbye and walked over to the other idols.

As she walked in the middle of the stage, she saw Mina walking at the end of the stage, filming a vlog. The soloist grinned and did a speed walk over to the younger female.

Mina filmed herself, talking about the awards and how she enjoyed the performance before Elena came behind her, making faces at the camera.

Mina jumped, holding her heart and turned to the older female, "Elli, Oh my, hi!" Mina beamed, smiling bright before taking her into her arms.

She laughed and hid her face into her neck, holding her tight.

"I've missed you so much, Unnie!" Mina told her, rubbing her back. Elena sighed softly and pulled away, still holding her, "I've missed you too, bubs! How's everything?"

Mina's heart fluttered and shyly smiled at her, "I'm doing okay, getting better and stuff! What about you, Ella?" She replied as they walked over the stage, finding the other girls.

Elena linked her arms with her and nodded her head with a smile, "I'm glad you're getting better, babe! I'm doing okay, just exhausted after the performance. It's been a long day." She explained.

Mina sighed, "Tell me about it."

"Right now I just wanna be in my pajamas and eat ice cream!" Mina laughed and nodded her head, "Same here. El, you can come and sleep over with us tonight!"

Elena beamed and jumped, "Yes please! It's been so long omg! I've missed our sleepovers so much!"

"Me too-" a scream cut off Mina and the pair looked at where the sound came from.

Chaeyoung came running to the pair with a happy grin as she hugged Elena, nearly knocking her down.
"God, Chaeng, you're too heavy for me."

Chaeyoung glared and hit her arm. "Hey! That's rude." She said before pulling her arm and dragging her to the others, leaving a confused Mina behind. She pouted and ran after them.

Chaeyoung's grin never left her face, "Nayeon-unnie, I brought Elena with me!" Chaeyoung told the older member. Nayeon turned around and smiled, giving her a hug, "There's my favorite girl!"

Mina scowled and pushed the others, pulling the soloist closer to her side, "She's my best friend, go find your own." She sassily said and held her waist.

" She sassily said and held her waist

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Suddenly out of nowhere, Hyungsik covered her eyes, completely caught off her guard.

"Guess who?"

Elena scoffed and pushed his hands away, "Really? What are you? Five?" She scowled, pushing him down next to her.

He sticked out his tongue, "You're so boring. When are the others coming?" He mumbled, but enough for Elena to hear.

She glared, "I don't know, you tell me."

He glared back, "Do you have your period or something because your looks are starting to look ugly." He pointed out, giving her a knowing look.

She was about to respond but got interrupted by Krystal who took a seat next to them, "Dude, don't ever say that to a girl." She told him with a disappointing look.

Elena's eyes lit up, "Krystal, my love. Finally you're here, Hyungsik has been a pain in the ass." She whined and hugged the younger.

He let out a dramatic gasp and shook his head, "You guys are so disrespectful." He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Don't pout, Hyungsik, it looks bad on you, bud." Minho told him and sat down next to Elena.

"Ooo, are we trash talking Hyungsik again, poor thing." Shin-Hye sat down on her seat.

Jiwon, Woobin, Haneul and Soojin came over to the table to see everyone discussion and throwing comments at Hyungsik, mostly the girls.

"Now, ladies, are we being nice?" Woobin butted in with a smirk, taking a seat next to Hyungsik who was moping.

"They're all mean to me! Especially Elena, I swear this bitch gets me every time." He complained and leaned his head onto Woobin's shoulder.

Elena gasped, "Excuse me, who are you calling a bitch?" She hit his leg, scoffing.

"I swear if we continue to talk like that the security will kick us out." Jiwon told everyone with a laugh, taking a look behind her to see a few people looking at them.

"Jiwon is right! Elena change seats with Minho." Haneul told the singer. She dramatically stood up from her chair and changed her seat.

"You're the most dramatic person I've ever met."

"I know."

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