، 𝖔. ⨾ 𝗀𝗈𝗍𝟩 𝗆𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌

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01. ▎missing hours!

     ELENA WALKED INSIDE THE JYP BUILDING, humming to a song as she was completely oblivious of Yugyeom walking quietly behind her, looking at her with a cheeky grin.

The Persian-Korean walked towards the dance room and was about to open the door when suddenly Yugyeom screamed and tickled her sides.

She jumped to her feet and let out a scream, her arm suddenly hitting his private area, not knowing it was him. She turned around and saw him kneeling down on his knees holding his crotch.

     Elena covered her mouth with her hand and stifled a laugh. He groaned and gave her a glare before painfully fixing his posture. "I'm sorry, Yugs, are you okay?" She said with a small giggle, making him pout at her.

     "I wouldn't do it if I knew how hard you would hit," Yugyeom whined, looking at her with those puppy eyes.

Elena crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Oh, c'mon, it wasn't that bad," She told him with a grin before wrapping her arms around him, holding the younger boy tightly in her arms.

     Yugyeom melted into her touch as he hugged her back, having his hands on her back. "I forgive you if you buy me chocolate milk." He murmured into her ear, giving her a little squeeze.

     Elena rolled her eyes and pulled away, "Fine."

     He threw his hands in the air and bounced on his toes. "Thanks, Ella! You're the best." He chimed with a happy smile.

     Her lips curved a smile, "So, how are you doing, Yugs? Everything okay?" She asked in a soft tone.

     He nodded his head, "I'm okay! We're planning our debut which I'm very excited about!" He bubbled with excitement. Her eyes lit up and clapped her hands excitedly.

     "Of course! It's your guys' debut soon, how could I forget? I'm so excited!" She rejoiced, giving him a big smile and thumbs up.

     "Thanks, Noona! We miss you a lot, though. How are things at BigHit?" He asked her, nudging her side, giving her a knowing look.

     She let out a chuckle, "I miss you guys too. I'm doing great. I've been finishing up a few concerts and fan signs, and now I'm just catching up with the others." She replied, giving him the same nudge on his side.

     Yugyeom's eyes lit up, "Then you can watch us practicing! Ella, c'mon!" He beamed before holding her hand as he brought her to the boys' dance room.

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