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i love him. i don't want to, i mean,
it terrifies me, but i love him.

─ b.

BLAIR FELT THE COLD WIND STROKING HER SKIN, her hair fluttering in the air as she walked down the streets with a happy grin on her face. Rubbing her small baby bump, she softly hummed a melody as she made her way to her lover's house.

     The sound of crunching frost made the younger siphoner jump and turned around, finding no one behind her. She sighed, feeling sweat buzzing throughout her body.

     When she turned around, she was met with Julian's presence, who looked at her with a gentle smile.

     "Blair, darling, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a soothing tone, making Blair's heart skip a beat.

     Blair held her beating chest and shook her head, "No, Julian, it's, uh, fine." She said as she smoothed down on her dress, giving him a smile.

     Julian tilted his head to the side and stepped forward, "And where are you going at this late hour, Blair?" He asked her, his eyebrows raised.

     She shifted from one foot to the other, "I'm just going for a walk." She lied, nervously twisting her bracelet.

     "You're a terrible liar, Blair." Julian told her, inching closer to her, giving her a disappointment look. She tensed as he took a step closer to her, avoiding his eyes.

     "I'm not lying, Julian." She said in a small voice, straightening her posture. He chuckled and was about to confront when he suddenly stopped, hearing a faint heartbeat.

     Julian frowned and took another step forward, inching his face closer to Blair, and looked down at her stomach.

     His face hardened, "No."

     She jerked away and huddled into a corner, her mind and heart racing. Julian speeded in front of her and harshly grabbed her arm.

     "P-Please, don't tell Lily!" She desperately begged him while pulling away from his grasp.

     Anger boiled inside Julian as he clenched his fists, "Well, you have your reasons for staying here and I have mine for leaving, Blair." He raged, leaning against the brick wall, glaring at her.

     Blair's hands started to tremble and her eyes started to water, "P-Please, Julian." She sobbed as she held her bump, looking at him with a desperate look.

     He scoffed, sighing, "What will we do?"

     Before her brain could register Julian's fist into her face, her eyes were shut as she was slammed into the wall, his hands gripping her throat, choking her.

     She gasped for air, trying to pull his hands away but he was stronger. Her head was throbbing and she was so terrified of what Julian will do next.

     He pulled his hands away and slapped her again across the face, making her fall down on the hard ground. He kicked her stomach, making her scream in pain while shakily holding her stomach, sobbing, begging him to stop.

     "P-P-Please, stop, Jul-" she gasped in pain as he stabbed her in the stomach, twisting the blade in his hands, all the while sinking deeper and deeper.

     She screamed, crying in pain as she crawled away from Julian. Julian kicked her stomach one more time till he didn't hear the baby's heartbeat.

     She poked up blood, her head laying down on the cold ground, blood seeping beneath her skin.

     "M-My b-b-baby." She stuttered out, softly crying and holding her stomach.

     Julian squatted down, pulling away a few hair strands away from her face, having a gentle hand on her back, "It's for the best, darling." He comforted, rubbing her back.

     Her eyesight burned and could barely hear his words. Everything became fuzzy and she became awfully pale. "Y-Y-Y-You k-killed," she whimpered and tugged at his shirt, not being able to finish her sentence.

     Blair knew she would pass out when her body gave out. It felt like her innards were being squeezed together. Then nausea crept from her stomach to her head and everything became black.

 Then nausea crept from her stomach to her head and everything became black

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Here's a little teaser of Elena's character on the Vampire Diaries. I actually liked writing about Blair and I might even make the book?! Should I?

I will be writing a few chapters on the TVD universe just to get a little insight about her character and how she revolves around it.

And we also hit 117K! Still can't believe it! Thank you all so so much for reading and leaving sweet and kind comments. It truly means a lot to me and I will try my best to update as much as I can. School has been taking over my life and it's hard for me to catch-up on my writing, I hope you understand.

Moonchild365 , becuz_boo , yagirlmackie  , yerimesme , mangomercy & of course the lovely  JKBALAGTAS who requested this!

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