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Song Recommendation: We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth

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Song Recommendation:
We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth

"YOU WANT ANYTHING ELSE, JAE?" Elaheh asked, pushing the trolley behind him lazily.

"Tired of grocery shopping already, Ella?" Jaebum said, laughing as he pulled down another milk carton. She playfully rolled her eyes at him. "No, just asking since we need food for your precious cats," Elaheh replied, leaning against the trolley.

"Ah, that's right! How could I forget my babies?" he mumbled, enough for her to hear. She chuckled and started to make her way to the dairy products. "I swear you love them more than me. I mean if you didn't have me you would probably end up a loner with 5 cats." she teased while looking at the cheese aisle.

Jaebum looked at her with a smile and walked over to her, "Oh, what would I do without you, dear?" he asked dramatically, ruffling her hair. She lightly pushed him, something she always did whenever he joked around, in which he didn't mind at all. He nodded and kissed her cheek, leaving the trolley behind him.

Elaheh's gentle humming fills the aisle while looking at chocolate bars and contemplating if she should buy it or not. With a sigh, she reached her hand to take one but a voice called her out in surprise.

"Elaheh?" a familiar voice called her out from the aisle. She turned around, wishing it wasn't the voice she thought. She exhaled, slightly smiling, "Jin, hey." She greeted softly. She looked at the dark circles under his eyes, meaning that he was overworking himself again with the comeback.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know, just hunting elephants," Elaheh jokily said with a smile. Jin rolled his eyes and walked over to her, "El, joking is my thing," He scolded her, smiling. She shrugged and stuck her tongue out.

"How are you, Jin?" she finally asked, knowing that it has been a couple of months since they talked due to his busy schedule and things between her and Jaebum, which was going very well.

"I'm fine, just very busy and stuff," he replied, giving her a soft smile. She raised her eyebrows at him, scoffing.

"And you think I believe that?" He shrugged and walked closer to her. Up close, Elaheh could see his dark circles under his eyes and messy hair. It reminded her once again of the days where she had scolded him to get more sleep.

"So, are you here alone?" Jin questioned, trying to get himself out of the conversation as he leaned against the trolley.

Before she could answer, a slightly cold voice called out behind her, "No," Jaebum said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "She's with me."

Elaheh turned around, surprised. Jin shifted his weight uneasily on his feet, clearly uncomfortable by his hard stares.

"Jaebum," He greeted, slightly bowing. Jaebum returned the gesture, pulling Elaheh closer to his side, "You ready to go home?"

"Home," Jin whispered to himself, feeling a pang in his stomach. Elaheh glances at Jin for a few second, before nodding, "Yeah, go ahead, I'll be right there." She smiled, gesturing the trolley behind her.

Jaebum bowed at Jin and started to push the trolley to the cashier.

"I'm glad you're happy, Elaheh." Jin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Elaheh's cheeks reddened, smiling.

"He makes me very happy, Jin."

"That's all I ever want, El." He spoke, putting his hands in his pocket, giving her a soft smile.

Looking back at the man she loves, she felt a familiar feeling in her stomach as her lips curved a big grin.

A moment of surprise caught him off guard when she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close, gently rubbing his soft locks. Despite the heaviness in his stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the meeting, Jinnie."

"He didn't bother you or anything?" Jaebum questioned as both of them were walking to his house.

"No, no, of course not. Just talked, that's all. I haven't talked to any of the boys lately, man they're so busy all the time." She answered with a frown, feeling guilty for not contacting them sooner.

"Do you still love him?" He blurted out, feeling embarrassed. She laughed, shaking her head. He arched an eyebrow, waiting for her answer.

"I love him, I do, but I'm not in love with him. We've both moved on." She admitted, finally looking at him, smiling.

"I'm not going anywhere, love. The past is the past."

He lifted her chin, leaning in, so both of their foreheads resting against each other, "I love you, Elaheh, I'm sure as hell that I'm not letting you go."

She pressed her lips against his. Jaebum's hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest.

Pulling away, she rested her head on his chest, feeling his warmth, "I love you too, Jaebum."

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