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requested by the lovely ; hottiehyun

     "I WONDER WHO MY VIRTUAL HUSBAND WOULD BE?" Elena mumbled to herself as she fixed her dress

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"I WONDER WHO MY VIRTUAL HUSBAND WOULD BE?" Elena mumbled to herself as she fixed her dress. Being known for appearing and being in a lot of variety shows, fans and the locals really wanted her to try out for We Got Married and also get to act, since they loved her acting.

Standing beside the camera crew, a nervous smile on her face, "Ah, I'm so nervous." she stammered, her cheeks reddening. She was currently standing in front of the gate, waiting for her virtual husband to walk down.

"No need to be nervous, El," Jeni told the younger female, standing behind the camera crew. Hani, who was standing beside her, gave her thumbs up and winked at her, "She's right, Ella. Get the D," Hani cheekily said while Jaehyun rolled his eyes.

Elena scoffed, feeling embarrassed, "Oh dear."

The gate slowly opened, breaking Elena's thoughts and crossed her arms. The camera crew got ready and got into their positions. She walked over to the gate to get a closer look at him. Her feet almost skipped a step and paused, tilting her head, staring at him in disbelief, "Oh, c'mon really? I expected someone else." Elena said with a gloomy sigh, giving the crew a knowing look.

Jaebum pouted, putting a hand on his chest, feeling slightly offended, "Ouch, Ella, that hurt." he said as he stood in front of her, giving her a soft smile, making Elena's heart flutter.

Ignoring the warm feeling in her body, she narrowed her eyes at him and pointed a finger at him, "You definitely planned this." she said in a chiding voice and sighed, "I don't know, man, I was really looking forward to Taemin, though."

Jaebum rolled his eyes and grabbed her waist, throwing her over his shoulder, "Enough chit-chatting, we have other things to do, princess." Elena gasped in surprise and hit his back, "Let me down, what the hell, Jaebum!" She tried to wiggle out from his grasp, but he was stronger.

The camera crew and the staff laughed, finding it hilarious, "Yes, Ahura, go get some dick!" Hani yelled out and gave Jaebum thumbs up, causing everyone to look at her.

Jeni hit her head and dragged her out of everyone's sight, "Hani, shut the fuck up, you're making a scene, oh my God." the manager stifled a laugh, giving her a warning look. The makeup artist scoffed, "Sorry not sorry, they're literally made for each other."

Jinsol came behind them, startling Jeni, "I swear she's the biggest Aebum shipper." he whispered, handing them a water bottle. Jeni clicked her tongue, "Tell me about it."

"You can put me down now, Jae." the singer puffed her cheeks as he made their way to the house, still having Elena on his shoulder. Jaebum chuckled under his breath and opened the door, walking inside the house.

Putting her down gently, his hand still on her back. Elena exhaled, "Finally, I was getting very dizzy." she mumbled, putting away a few hair strands away from her face.

"Do I get a hug now?" he asked her, looking at her with those puppy eyes. She pluckered her lips, walking backwards, "Yes, but you have to catch me first!" she chimed with a giggle and sprinted down the hall, making her way to the bedroom.

Jaebum laughed and ran after her, the camera crew following the couple. He found her in their bedroom with Elena standing at the end of the bed. The pair started to laugh, "What are you five?" he asked her with a fond look. She grinned and grabbed a pillow, pointing at a finger at him.

Jaebum smirked, grabbing a pillow, "Oh, it's on!"

She jumped on the bed, him quickly following her actions and started their pillow fight. As she was about to throw a fit, he threw his pillow at the side and grabbed her waist and started to tickle her. Elena screamed with laughter as he tickled her. They fell on the bed, him still on top of her, tickling her side.

"J-Jae, s-stop, I can't b-breathe." she cackled, grabbing his hands. He pulled away, giving her a smug look, his hands up defensively. "And you were saying?"

She hit his chest, making him fall down dramatically beside her, "My stomach hurts, Jae." she pouted and moved her head, facing him. He scoffed, "That's what you get for being difficult. I just wanted a hug that's all." he told her, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm not difficult. You just don't know about having fun," she remarked, giving him a look before laying her head onto his chest. His heart skipped a beat when she put her arms around his stomach, burying her face into his hoodie.

Hani watched the couple with a grin while munching on some popcorn Jaehyun picked for her. Jeni, who was sitting beside her shook her head, "Don't choke on the popcorn." Hani brought her finger to her lips, signalling her to shut up. Jeni flinched and jerked her finger away from her face.

He chuckled and brought her closer into his chest, making the team soft at their cute moment. "Whatever you say, baby girl."

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