، 𝖔. ⨾ 𝖿𝖺𝗇𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇 𝗆𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌 ¹

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( one. ) shy shy shy!

Elena smiled softly at the fan in front of her before saying her goodbye

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Elena smiled softly at the fan in front of her before saying her goodbye. The next fan was a boy with curly hair and Elena almost cooed at him. He shyly greeted her, a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"Hello, darling. How are you?" Elena said with a gentle voice, holding his hand. He let out a nervous giggle and smiled, "I'm o-okay, just nervous." The boy admitted, looking down at their interlocked hands.

"There's no need to be nervous, love. I'm just a normal human being, who loves cinnamon rolls." She told him with a cheeky smile. The fanboy let out a small laugh and pulled out a small box and put it on the table. Elena's eyes lit up and opened the box.

"Wonder what it is.." she mumbled excitedly. She gasped softly and looked at him with amazement.

"Did you make this?" Elena asked him, holding a bracelet that has her name and his name written on it. He nodded, "Y-Yes, I hope you like it. I don't want it to seem weird or anything."

Elena giggled and shook her head, "No, It's beautiful! Thank you, sweetness."

( two. ) stop being so sexy!

The one thing Elantics love about Elena, is when she wears red lipstick, and today the fans couldn't stand it

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The one thing Elantics love about Elena, is when she wears red lipstick, and today the fans couldn't stand it.

"Elena-ssi! Stop being so sexy!" A fanboy yelled out. Elena furrowed her eyebrows, pointing at herself. "Me? I'm not doing anything, though."

The crowd shouted 'yes' and started to throw out compliments, which made the singer flustered and hid her face with her hands.

"Don't hide your beautiful face, Ella." The fanboy yells once again. She laughed and blew out a kiss.

"I love you guys so much!"

( three. ) it's okay!

"Goodbye!" Elena said to her fan as another one came in front of her

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"Goodbye!" Elena said to her fan as another one came in front of her. She smiled softly at the new fan and greeted her, finding her adorable with glasses and pink hair.

The young female gave her a little smile, breathing heavily as she shakily puts her poster on the table. Elena frowns and leans closer to see her face.

"Are you alright, babe?" She worriedly asked the anxious fan with a concerned face. The fan shook her head, "I-I'm s-sorry, I'm just not feeling g-good." She stuttered out.

Elena's heart clenched and sighed, "Are you sick? You shouldn't have come if you feel bad." The young fan shook her head, "Yes, this is the only chance that I could come and see you, and today is just not my day." She told her, her lip trembling.

Elena put a few hair strands away from her face and stroked her cheek, "It's okay, dear. It's just a bad day. Thank you so much for coming today, but please take care of yourself." She said before handing her a bottle of water.

The fangirl nodded her head, smiling, "I will, Ella. Thank you."

( four. ) team delena or stelena?

"Unnie!" Elena looked at the crowd, looking at a fan who called her name

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"Unnie!" Elena looked at the crowd, looking at a fan who called her name. "Yes?"

"Are you a Delena or Stelena shipper?" The fan asked her with curiosity. The singer smirked and took her mic, "Y'all know damn well who I ship, if you don't then are you even my fans?"





Elena gasped and put a hand on her chest, staring at them dramatically, "Guys, c'mon it's Blamon! You should know this! I'm disappointed guys." She said and gave them a pout, shaking her head.

"It was a trick question, dammit!"

"Of course she ship herself with Damon, I mean Blair and Damon was superior."

"Delena who?"

"I love this fandom, damn!"

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