To Pass Or Not To Pass

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Monday. The day most people hated. And so it seemed for everyone in my class. I sighed and continued shooting the birds and foxes I found around on my switch. It was a birthday gift that Ona had gifted me. Ona... I shook my head and decided to focus on killing all of the wildlife in the area.

Today was the day we would know if we were to pass or not. But all I could think of was the exchange me and Dabi had. Denki was screaming about how he was doomed and Mina practically looked like she was going to get a stroke. Sero was sweating bullets and Eiji just layed down on the table, having given up before even starting. Sato was the only one who looked even a little calm, but all of us knew he was screaming inside.

"Okay, everyone. Get back to your seats and start paying attention. I'm going to tell you who passed and who failed. Oh, before that, even though some of you failed, all of you are going to summer camp." All of the students, except Sero, were joyfully grinning and giving each other thumbs up.

Aizawa looked at my switch and pointed his finger down, seemingly asking me to put it down. I saved my process and placed it in my backpack. "But! The students who failed will have harder classes than summer school. We're going to make it a living hell for you." He smirked evilly and gazed at the failed students.

"Those who'll be attending said extra classes will be Kirishima Eijiro, Sato Rikido, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki and Sero Hanta. Enjoy your brief free time before this and we'll be meeting in the summer.

"The address of this place will be strictly confidential and no one shall tell anyone. Not even your parents should know about this. Where you're going and where you'll be staying should be known by only my class, 1 B, and the staff. This is to eliminate any possible villain attacks. Be careful to not let your mouth slip. Now go do whatever." He put on his sleeping bag and went to sleep.

All the other girls started discussing their plans, or more like what they had to cancel, and other things. But I could only think of my 'friendly' little exchange with Dabi. I had never heard him seethe with this much venom before. Not even in the anime. Thinking back, I realized how much fear I felt at that moment. I almost froze under his glare like a deer in front of a light. Would I be able to be a hero like this?

A little tap snapped me out of my thoughts. My gaze met Mina's worried eyes which tried to hold a cheery demeanor. "Hey..." she mumbled. "Um... Well, me and the others were thinking about going shopping for all the things we need. You... wanna come with?"

I felt many eyes on me, awaiting for my answer. This made me shiver a little but I still smiled. "No, thanks. I'm meeting a friend that day. But thanks for inviting me!" She nodded. The gazes left me and the other girls all huddled around me.

"Hey, but uh..." Ochaco lowered her voice to a whisper. "We were thinking of going to the school pool. We'll tell you the date and time on the girls group chats." She winked and left for her seat. Hmm... maybe I should distract myself.

Dabi sent me glare, which he covered up with a smirk. I'm supposed to be with my friends. Having fun. But here I am. "U-Uh... Kurogiri, where's Shi?"

"He had something to investigate upon." He poured me glass of apple juice. "Please make yourself at home." I hummed and walked over to the sofa where Mustard sat. I smiled at him but he ignored me. I need to make a good impression. What does a kid my age like... An imaginary bulb lit up above my head.

I reached into my backpack and took out my switch. I opened Zelda and purposefully died multiple times, letting out a groan each time. This grabbed Toga's attention the first few times. But it took a little more deaths and Toga's yelps that took Mustards attentions. He grabbed it from my hands and killed the monsters within seconds. He shoved it back into my arms and looked away.

"If you want, we can play together..." He mumbled no and decided to focus on polishing his pistol. I sighed and turned to Toga. "Well, we can play then!"

She looked curiously at the switch, slightly awe-ing when I killed one of the monsters or animals. "This looks so cool! Can I try? Please, please, please, please?" I giggled at how much she was pleading to play it. I handed her the switch and taught her the controls before letting her be. She squealed even when she, or rather Link, died and 'game over' popped up.

Mustard gazed over at times but decided to try and ignore me. Emphasis on try. After a while, he started staring at us playing and groaned slightly whenever Toga got herself killed. When I turned to meet his eyes, he turned away and pretended to go back to polishing the gun. I lightly tapped his shoulder and smiled when he looked at me. "You wanna play with? Toga kind of sucks at this. And I saw how easily you killed them! Can you show us how to do it like before?"

The ruse worked. I was already pretty good at the game myself. Denki and Mina always told me how I was like a sharp shooter and complimented me on my almost perfect strategy. But I had to get him comfortable around me. And this was the best way.

Dabi was glaring at me from the other side of the room. Although Toga and Mustard were blissfully unaware of the situation, Mr. Compress and Twice knew the tension between us. To get back on the good side with him, I needed to make a sacrifice. I had to let something slip. I had to betray my friends.

As if on cue, Shi entered the room and slammed it behind him. He plopped down on the sofa beside Toga and lazily stared at the three of us play. "Shi-kun, do you wanna play?"

"Why would I wanna play a game for kids? You're so immature. All the babies are playing games while the adults work. How naive..." He scratched his neck and looked around the room. He shifted his gaze between me and Dabi for a while. He knew something was wrong and I knew he wanted to address it. So before he could open his mouth, I asked him to have a little chat with me.

I almost smiled a little when I saw the panic in Dabi's eyes. He probably thought that I was gonna snitch on him. But I ignored it and dragged Shi into my room. "Ugh! It reeks of teenage hormones in here!"

"Shut up. Their my favorite band, okay?! Leave them alone!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever... But what's the deal between you and the burnt raisin? You guys look like you guys did something and then don't trust each other. You know his secret or something?"

"Oh no, it's just a friendly argument... It's not that." I sighed, and rubbed my temples. Shit! I didn't think this through! Then Kei's golden eyes popped into my mind. This is NOT the time to romance. An idea came into my mind. "Do you- Do you know about the Shie Hassaikai? Their this yakuza group and I know some people who work there. Just wanted to let you know about some competition." I chuckled nervously and rubbed the nape of my neck. He gave me a weird look before nodding and walking away, opening the door.

"Oh! Shi-kun." He turned back to face me. "I want to make an announcement to all of them. It's... it's something important." He nodded and went back to the main room, at least I think. I took a fair amount of time to mentally prepare myself.

I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to be the info giver. I didn't want to betray them. But I knew the timeline. The timeline must stay intact. But this time it will be different. Katsu won't need to go though all that. I'll replace him. With a final look at the mirror, I prepared myself and walked out of my room. Katsuki won't have to feel guilty.

I stepped in front and cleared my throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Listen up. 'Cause I'm going to going to tell you where the training camp is."

Oop- Things are finally starting to get interesting! The timeline is going to change a bit because of (y/n), and I hope you like where this is going! And thank you for 1K reads! I never expected anyone to read this book but turns out some of you do! Thank you :D

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