Shigaraki Vs. Cats

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I was heading to meet Shigaraki. Noru was done with the vet, but I couldn't be bothered to take him home before my meetup. Shinso already knew, so he decided he would come the next day. I was carrying him and I had my blue side bag with me. It had the gloves I made for him and some cat treats. Maybe I can let him play with my kitty. 

I noticed a hooded figure standing a few steps away. He looked out of place with all the laughing children and parents who were gushing about said children. I crossed all the kids and made my way towards him.

"Hey!" He ignored me and started to fish for something in his hoodie pocket. He opened his hands and there were scattered amounts of money. "Um... Do you wanna meet my cat?" I asked. 

"You do know that what I did to your bread can happen to your cat, right?"

"Mhm! That's why I made you a little gift! I know it's a bit hard for you to control your quirk, so I wanted to help you. I don't mean to offend you though!" I opened my side bag and rumbled through all my stuff. "I made you a glove! And I cut out one of the fingers so your quirk won't effect your surroundings!"

His eyes widened. "I-I don't know how I'll be able to pay that back..."

"It's a gift! You don't have to pay back, dummy!" I giggled and shoved it into his hands. God, I love shoving stuff. He begrudgingly took it. "Now put it on! I want you to meet my cat." He put it on and stared at his hands. While he was doing so, I grabbed Noru out of his carrier and took him into my hands. I placed myself under a tree and tapped the place beside me.

After getting into apt position, I slowly placed Noru onto his lap. He froze at first, but when Noru settled down, he slowly stroked him with two fingers. I leaned over and started to pet Noru with all five fingers. He was hesitant but started to follow my lead. He widened his eyes, seeing that Noru didn't disintegrat.

"Hey... What's your name? You know mine already... tell me yours." After a brief pause, he looked at me and whispered, "Shigaraki. Shigaraki Tomura." I smiled, at him. Suddenly, I heard some squealing come from near. 

"Aah~ Its Hawks!"

"He's so cool?"

"I'd let him grab m-"

I turned my attention back to Shigaraki. He cursed under his breath and placed Noru onto my lap. He stood up and muttered a goodbye and left. I sighed and continued to play with Noru, when I heard someone plop down beside me.

"Hey angel~" I sighed. And looked up to see Hawks staring down at me. I noticed a few girls and women squeal behind him, but none were brave enough to speak to him. I put on a smile.

"Hey Hawks!"

"Aww! Your cat is so cute! Can I pet him?" I was about to say sure, but he reached his hand out and started petting him. Let me remind you, Noru was on my lap. I blushed at his sudden action and yelled at him to give space to women. All he did was chuckle and give me a stare.

"You didn't reply to me when I texted you. I was so sad!" He fake pouted. I sighed and took out my phone. 

"My phone had no battery, and I didn't check it before I left for school. I'm just noticing it now. Sorry." I looked up at him and gave an apologetic smile. He just laughed and helped me put Noru back in his cage. 

"I'll walk you home! I've got nothing else to do anyways." I nodded and let him follow me home. It would probably be best. He started to make small talk about how chicken nuggets were a gift of god. He's probably gonna start a cult or something about it. 

After reaching halfway to my home, he heard a ping from his phone and scoffed. "Work. Gotta go. See you later! Don't forget to chat with me!"

After bidding our goodbyes, I speed walked up to my house and did the usuals. Getting dressed, surfing through the internet, playing games etc. And soon it was bed time. I cuddled myself in my blanket and yawned. I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.

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