➣ Calling Todoroki Shoto

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I silenced the girls' laughter as Shoto picked up the phone. "(Y/n)? Why are you calling me at ten o'clock? It's night. You should be sleeping." I could hear the silenced giggles of the girls. I made an angry face at them. I cleared my throat.

"I need to tell you something Shoto."


"Um, Shoto. You have been a great friend to me and I'm glad that someone like you is my friend. I really care about you and I want you to have all the love a person could ever have. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you. Platonically, of course!"



"I wanna tell you about my scar."

"Oh! I'll go somewhere personal. Wait a minute." The ladies eyed me weirdly. I went inside a bathroom and locked the room. "Okay continue."

"When I was younger, my father trained me vigorously. He even treated my mother badly. She then found my left side unbearable. My mother then poured boiling water on the left side of my face. I have vowed from that moment that I'd never use my left side in any circumstances."

"Shoto. Your parents don't make you who you are. But if you prefer to not use it, then I'll support you."

"Thank you (y/n)."

"Oh! And Shoto, remember that I'm always here."

"I will."

"Goodnight Shoto!"


I went back to the bedroom, where the girls were wiggling their eyebrows. "So...?"

"Two words. Must. Protect." We giggled and proceeded to ask each other questions. After everyone had done their first round, it came right back to me. This Kyouka asked the question.

"(Y/n), what you said in the chat room. About you fu- I mean fricking anyone except Mineta, was that true?"

"Obviously, my peeps! Every one of you are queens! And I'm bi so..." (okay so I'm making you bi but if you're uncomfortable I am going to change you into male in the last few chapters before the endings. I look out for all my peeps! You can always change the pronouns in the endings!)

She nodded. "Wait... That's it? Nothing as harsh as Mina's?" She shook her head.

"I think you've suffered enough." Mina took this as a personal slander, so when it came to aux cords' turn she attacked.

"Kyouka! You have to kiss the cutest girl here!" Kyouka blushed a bright red and waddled over to Momo who was sitting next to me.

"Momo..." The said girl blushed a little and stuttered out a 'yes?'. "Can you move? I need to get to (y/n)." Mina burst out laughing while I was awe struck. "So." She started. I tapped my cheek and she gave a small peck on it.

"What! No fair! I thought you were gonna kiss her on the lips!"

"You never specified!" I sassily flipped my hair. I pouted and stared on the floor. "Mina~" I cooed. "It's your turn."

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« You and air are the same. Why? I need both! »

"Isn't this day just beautiful?" The boy hummed a happy tune, skipping over to the playground

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"Isn't this day just beautiful?" The boy hummed a happy tune, skipping over to the playground. His two mates followed him, one cheerfully giggling and laughing, while the other looked like he wanted to head home. You have to say, the monotone face he had on made him look scary, even though he was just a child.

"Bless your heart!" The woman he handed the flowers to, exclaimed. He was always good with people. His cheerful expression, his charming face, ℎⅈℭ ℜⅈℂℏ ₽₳℟£ℕ₸$, everything about him was perfect. Though only two actually cared for him, he managed to put up a brave front.

Unusually concerned about hiding his quirk, he opted to ask the taller boy to lift him up. The branch was close enough and he thought he could reach if he tried hard enough. He was wrong. After jumping up to catch the branch, he tumbled down due to his all time enemy, gravity, working against him.

His cries echoed the playground, as his other friends tried to help him up. The serious one got on top of him, trying to lift him up, as the other looked from the side. He grunted which made the adults think it was a fight. They 'intervened' and took him to the doctor.


That was the last time he saw the bluette.

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