Meeting the villains

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"Oh my god, (y/n)!! Don't ever do that again! We thought we lost you again!" Ona and Oya wrapped their arms tightly around my frame. They pulled away and slowly pecked all a round my face. I giggled and slowly pushed them away. "If you die on us, we'll kill you!"

I was sitting in Recovery Girl's room. She was doing a check up on us to make sure we hadn't hurt ourselves too bad. Since Izu hadn't used his quirk that much, he didn't have broken arms. Todoroki was sitting on the bed beside me, really awkwardly, might I add. He explained that he wanted to talk to me, but had to wait since my parents were smothering me with love.

My parents left me alone for a while to talk to some of the teachers in our school. Todoroki shuffled over to me and sat on the edge of my bed. He coughed awkwardly. "I noticed your hair turned a little white near the roots. And your comment... Were you always so much"

I laughed at his joke. "My hair turns white and my eyes turn blue. It's a side effect. And to answer your question, kind of? I guess I don't like it when people try to hurt people I care about... Oh! I have something to show you! Can you take my bag for me?" He nodded and picked up my bag from the counter. "Take my phone for me please."

He handed me my phone and opened up my photos. I clicked on the photo that I took of the picture. I stifled a laugh and showed him the picture.

 I stifled a laugh and showed him the picture

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He gasped lightly and blushed a little. He muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"I said 'no wonder'. I thought I saw you somewhere before."

"Ah! But look! You look so cute in this picture!"

"This is very embarrassing..." He blushed slightly and gave me back my phone. I gasped suddenly as I thought of something.

"Can I call you Shoto?" He blushed even more and looked down.


"Then you can call me (y/n)! Okay, Shoto?" He nodded and smiled lightly. I clutched the clothes on top of my heart and bit my lips. I have been blessed! But for some reason I felt eyes on me. Shoto noticed my sudden change of demeanor and looked around. Must be PTSD. I shook my head and placed my hand on top of Shoto's.

We stayed there talking about food and other stuff but soon we had to leave. We were just waiting for my hair to turn back to normal, which took more time than I thought it would. I sat in my bed, scrolling through Pinterest, when I thought it may be good to text Shi-kun.





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