Hero Basics Training Is Wierd

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Classes were mostly normal. Your usual subjects, like English, Maths etc. But near the evening we had what we all wanted. Hero Basics. And as you could expect from my lazy ass, I wanted to stay behind. Though most of it was because I was just a big pus-

Anyways, I was all set up in the changing room, ready to get out there and fight, but then it hit me. Why do I want to be a hero? I sure as hell don't want some crusty looking mf kill me. No offense to you, Shigaraki. Uraraka tugged on my arm. "Come on (l/n)!"

"Uraraka, you know that you can just call me (y/n)."

"Oh... Then you can call me Ochaco!" I giggled and went along with her. All Might was waiting for us at the other side, fully geared.

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. And all of you look stunning! We're here at Ground B to have Hero Basics! Though it seems that many of villain attacks happen outside, statistics say that most of them happen inside. With the world flooding with heroes, clever villains stay in the shadows.

"That's why we're having a villain vs. hero, indoor battle. We will be setting all of you into pairs. But since we don't have enough pairs to go around, we have a special guest! Please welcome, Hawks!" I gasped. That little shit! He walked like he owned the place.

I did the iconic Spider-Man meme pose. "You!" The whole class turned to me but Hawks had a confused face.

"Ummm... Do I know you?" I took off the mask. He gasped and ran up to me. "Hey princess! Why didn't you tell me you got into U.A.! I would have recommended you if you had told me! And you look so cool and-"

"Hawks. We're having class." I said with a monotone face. He gasped dramatically. He mumbled a quick 'of course' before standing beside All Might again. Asui poked my arm.

"Do you know him from before?"

"Does it matter?"

"How do you know him?"

"Parents. One of them is a hero."

"Of course. I guess that's why you decided to join in the first place."

"Students! I'm going to let you know the pairs, so listen up!" He went through all the names before calling mine and Umo's. Umo walked up to me and started to make small talk. Though I knew he was a bit nervous to talk to me. I was first in physical and he didn't even make it up there.

I sighed. "Something tells me we're going to be last." All Might announced that he'd be pulling out the first heroes and villains. Excitement and nervousness encased my body.

"Team A vs Team D!" Some shit is about to go down.

Izuku vs Katsuki. The worst hero-villain pair you can come up with. It's weird really, how they always end up fighting. The room wasn't as tense as it should be. Dread surrounded the area I was standing at, coming obviously from me. Katsuki was the first to attack. Though we couldn't hear them, I knew what was going on. Now everyone was scared.

Izu blocked his right hook and throw him on the floor, determination filling the exposed eye. I could feel the anger radiating from Katsuki. Hawks noticed my nervous form, but stared back onto the screen. Umo placed his hand on my shoulder, implying to calm down. But how could I? I knew how this would end. Even though I forgot the details, I still knew the iconic moves. Nervous glances everywhere.

All Might was saying something, but I only heard the Plus Ultra part. Katsuki was blasting his nitroglycerin, and Izu avoiding them. Izuku was running away, Katsuki yelling behind him. Uraraka had reached Iida, but he was laughing evil-ly at her.

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