Sports Festival Is Terrifying

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Holy shit

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Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. We were sitting at the waiting room. Well, they were sitting. I was nervously walking in circles. I was utterly done for. Who am I kidding?! How the hell am I supposed to compete against these mutant ninja turtles!? Groaning, I crouched on the floor and covered my face with my hands. Kirishima placed a hand on my shoulder and tried to make me feel better. It did not work.

Shoto was doing his daily dose of angst with Izu, which I decided to ignore. I was still having my little panick attack in the corner, when I was pointed at by Shoto. "First of all, are you alright?"

"I am doing as fine as a fish out of water. But it's the sports festival! Let's get ready to die!" Shoto took this as a valid answer, while the others sweat dropped.

"Secondly, I'm going to beat you too."

"There isn't anything to beat here, pretty boy. I'm already under you." I did a peace sign and gave Mina a side hug. He just nodded back and exited the room. I let out a final huff of air before getting up and exiting the room with rest of Bakusquad. I was the first at the physical part of the exam, so I had to do the speech with Katsu.

I grabbed Katsu hand and dragged him over to the stage. I could feel the stares from the others while walking up which triggered my anxiety a little. I stood up there and cleared my throat. As I was about to start the speech I had prepared beforehand, Katsu interrupted me. "All I want to say is that I'm gonna win." Jesus freaking Christ.

I pushed him out of the way and stood in front of the mic. The arguing died down a bit and I tapped the mic to make sure everyone had their mouth shut. I made eye contact with Toshi and Monoma and gave them a wink.

"What he was trying to say, was that we're all going to try our best. No matter what class you are from, we don't want to see any slacking off when it comes to all the different things we're going to be doing. We will be going all out and I, personally, want to see if all of us in 1A actually deserve to be there. That's why we're all going to go beyond! Plus Ultra!"

Clapping could be heard while I punched my hand upwards. Giving everyone a warm smile, I pulled Katsu out of there. "Good job dumbo. I had been practicing the speech I made for the past two weeks."

"I didn't know you had a speech! And I was improvising!"

"Yeah. By insulting everyone." He scoffed and turned his attention back to Midnight, who I have to say, looked pretty smexy. Calm down (y/n). Your gay is showing. Umo came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You're going to be fine. The first level's a race! You have a great quirk and everything! You can do it!"

"Uwah! Umo! You're making my heart go doki doki!" He blushed a little and scratched his cheek.

"On your marks everyone! Get set, go!"

First course of action, climb on top of Shoji. I claimed that mathafucka like a tree. Standing on top of his head, I hopped on top of the others and exited the hallway. Shoto was already out and Momo and that others were just noticing the ice. Breaking off a little disc of his ice from the floor and stood on it.

Shoto had just finished freezing the ice and sliding to the other side. "LOOKS LIKE OUR ICE KING HAS FROZEN THE ROBOTS! OH BUT IT LOOKS LIKE ITS FALLING!" Please stop yelling. But he was right. The robots were crumbling down, so I took the chance to tear away a piece of metal from the robot. I used this as my ride instead, and dropped the ice I was standing on. That probably hit some poor kid on the head.


"She's not flying. She's using her quirk to control the metal underneath her."

Hmm... Should I make this interesting or should I take the easy route... Ah fuck it. I dropped down from the metal piece and started running. By now, a few students had made through the first hurdle. I kept the metal piece on my side as I knew the Fall was coming. After reaching the second hurdle, 'flew' over it. This race is kind of easy... Am I that op?

The third and final hurdle. Guess I'm just going to float then. We aLl fLoAt DoWn. Humming a happy tune, I floated right behind Shoto and Katsu. I wanted to place fourth, much to everyone's happiness. "WOW SHOTA! ALL YOUR STUDENTS ARE NOT EVEN BREAKING A SWEAT! CURRENTLY ALL OF THE TOP THREE IS FROM YOURS! AND THE GIRL DOESN'T EVEN SEEM TO TRY! IT ALMOST SEEMS AS IF SHE WANTS TO PLACE THIRD." Why you gotta expose me like this...

Boom! An explosion. Turning my head to the side, I made eye contact with Izu for a moment. I flashed him a peace sign, as he fell down. Hah mood. I watched the scene unfurl before me, as I pretended to eat popcorn. Izu ended up running forward just in time and becoming first. I hopped down beside Katsu, and started running. He seemed surprised for a second but quickly ran forward.

I huffed and looked at score board. I placed fourth, huh? I'm not complaining! It's a surprise I didn't flunk on spot. I slapped my face. No! You're good enough! Stop being negative.


"Hey Izu! Good job! I know you worked really hard for it!"

"A-Ah. T-Thank you!" I giggled and patted his head. I should congratulate everyone!

"Shoto! Congratulations! You did really well!"

"I didn't place first. It wasn't that good."

"No, no! You did great! Second place isn't that bad! Besides, being second place means that you show people you're good enough without them placing immense amount of pressure and expectations on you. It's actually much better in my opinion." He just stared at me and nodded. A true emo king.

"What do you want, floaty!?"

"Calm down. I'm here to congratulate you!"

"If I'm not in number one, then it doesn't matter!"

"You're number one in my heart, Katsu!"

"You're just mocking me. Now piss off!"

"Jeez dude." Smexy lady walked out again and cracked her whip. Control. Your. Gay. (Y/n)! I tried to look away from her boobs and onto her face. Am I turning into Mineta?!

"The top 42 pass! Next is... drumroll please... The Cavalry Battle! Make a team consisting of two to four and try to steal your opponents points! This will be based on the number you placed in during the first round. The person who placed on first will be worth 10 million points. Now go make your teams!"

"(Y/n)/Floaty/(n/n)-chan, join my team." The top three in your class had made a beeline towards you. You blushed from all the attention and waved your arms around. Izu, Shoto and Katsu eyed each other angrily and waited for your response. That's when you noticed Shinso. He had been eyeing you for a while, probably wanting to ask you to be on his team. You made eye contact with him and waved him to come over.

"Sorry broskis. Looks like I already have a team here." You said, as you grabbed Shinso's arm.

"Hah?! Isn't he the guy who challenged us?!"

"Well, he's also my friend! So whether you like it or not, I'm going to be on his team. Don't even bother to change my mind." I huffed angrily and pulled Shinso away from them. After reaching a safe distance away from them, I looked him fully. "You seem to have been working out more. You grown beefier!" He scratched the nape of his neck nervously.

"You didn't have to do that, y'know. You don't have to be on my team..."

"Well, I want to. So I'm staying. Now we just need to find some other people."

"I'll go find someone. You can follow me if you want." I smiled and grabbed his hand. I skipped over to people and asked them if they wanted to join our team. Thanks to some sweet talking, I got Ojirou and a boy from another class on our team. His name was something like Shoda and was from class 1 B. Though there seemed to be some bad blood between the team mates, we decided to make it work.

I coughed trying to gain the attention of my teammates. "Hey guys. I have a plan."

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