You want some leaf juice?

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"Okay, I have some questions while we wait... What happens to my parents in the other universe? Am I dead there? Are... are my parents okay?"

"U-um, I don't really know."

"What. The. Crap. Musaki, I thought you were supposed to know."

"Here's your tea!" The waitress came to us with our green tea. I smiled back to her as she placed the food we ordered on the table. This was the part where most fanfics write the waitress as... trying to steal your man kind of person. But this one was actually nice. "If you need anything don't hesitate to call me!"

Because she's nice I'm gonna describe her. She had slate blue hair and yellow-ish eyes. She looked kind and really pretty. I mean damn. The show should've definitely shown people like her more often.

We thanked her for our meal; which consisted of two hamburgers, French fries and two glasses of cola. This is the hight of luxury! We ate our meal and decided to try and help me design a hero costume. I decided to go with something easy to move in, yet looked kinda cool. My quirk doesn't really have any special needs so I could go more for a tactical point of of view.

I started doodling some ideas down, but none of it spoke to me. I wrote down some key words and what I liked and didn't like.

Musaki and I payed for our stuff and he started leading me down the road he thought it was happening at. On the way I met Deku. He looked sad and I knew why. I didn't bother to ask. I knew what it felt like to be asked questions when you didn't want to talk.

"Deku! Hey!" I gave him a big smile and waved. Musaki had already left to give me and Deku some space. I needed to lead them right? And I need some space to work. 

"Hey (y/n)..."

"Bad day, huh? When I have a bad day, I just think of fluffy sheep and stuff. Uhhhh, think of what you like, I guess. Ooooh, think of you as a hero! That's gonna be so awesome! You better join U. A. with me!"

I talked most of the way till we reached the place where the sludge monster was. We walked closer to see the sludge monster had taken Katsuki. Deku, noticing this, immediately ran towards the sludge monster. Dammit, Deku! I'm gonna help ya, ya little nerd!  

I ran after him, just as he threw the bag at them. I brought the cap of a trash bin near me to protect me and deku from some sludge. The villain flayed around, trying to push us inside. I noticed the look Katsuki had in his eyes. I've never seen him this scared. He had some tears in his eyes, which mostly looked like frustration tears.

"Bakugou Katsuki! If you don't fight back, then I will pinch you in the face, you idiot!"

I was crying now. Ugly crying. I brought the trash can cap towards me and pushed it into the villain as hard as I could. 

"Leave me, you damn nerds! I don't need your help!"

"You're in trouble Kacchan! I can't leave you like this!"

I felt an immense amount of rage fill my body. This villain will not make a loner of my best friend. I took a deep breath in and muttered, "Pull". I dragged both of my hands to the side and pulled open the sludge monster, making Katsuki fall forward. 

"Don't worry children! Why? Because I am here!"

The rest of the fight was a blur for me and I only vaguely remembered the scene from the show. The only major things I could remember was the punch. It felt so powerful. I could feel the wind against my skin. This is what power feels like. 

Later on, me and Deku got being lectured for being stupid. 

"You could've gotten killed! You have to think before you do something! You have your whole lives ahead of you and you could've lost that! I'm gonna have to call your parents, but young lady, if you use your quirk without a license again, I will have to press charges." 

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