Bus Ride

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"Save me."-- Hebinoya Shojiro

"-- Hebinoya Shojiro

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POV— Hebinoya Ikari

Bus Ride

Don't let me go.

When I was seven, I broke my ankle in the park.

I stayed there for hours, too afraid to go home,

too hurt to move, and too stubborn to ask for help.

Shojiro showed up with a bruise on his cheek and carried me home.

He didn't say a word.

Don't let me go.

"Everyone, listen up." Aizawa's voice is low and tired, the bags under his eyes darker than usual. The bus quiets down, jolting as it hits a speed bump. Aizawa takes attendance, and when he is done, he says, "Here's our agenda today. The training camp is a two days' trip away from here. We'll be driving six hours the first day, stopping at a hotel, and then driving seven the next. Any questions?"

A few questions from Aoyama and Jirou about snacks, and the cheery atmosphere returns.

I shift beside Shoto, nostalgically recalling the last time we had been in a bus. It had ended in an unfortunate disaster with villains attacking our class.

(Ooh Ikari you're gonna be in for a big surprise)


"Yes?" I turn to Shoto, who is rummaging in his bag for something. He takes out a box of chocolates, hands it to me, then another bag of chips. I purse my lips.

"Shoto, you shouldn't spoil me," I say with a half sigh, as he takes out yet another bottle of green tea.

"But I like to. So take it." He shoves all of the food items into my lap, and returns to searching in his seemingly infinite bag.

"Nope, this isn't fair," I mutter. "I won't stand for such inequality." I look through my bag as well, shoving through my computer, camera, and an extra set of shoes until I find my phone as well. 

Looking through the town that we'll be staying at, I find a summer festival only a few minutes' walk away from our hotel. It is my turn to shove my gift in his face.

"You want to go?" I question.

Shoto squints at the photos, gently taking my phone into his hands. A childlike excitement glimmers in his eyes as he scrolls through more photos.

"Yes. I'd like to," he says, "very much."

Don't let me go.

I am in an empty room, the walls white and bare. My head is muddled and murky and I try to shake off the nausea, closing my eyes.

When I open them again, Shojiro is in front of me. His steely eyes glare into mine, no more than a few paces away from me. Every cell in me wants to sprint into his arms, but I've learned my lesson. I stay stock still in the room, wishing him away, pretending that his overpowering presence isn't there.

Don't let me go. (Todoroki x oc)Where stories live. Discover now