"Don't let me go."
"Don't worry, I won't ever let you go. I promise."
Ikari's scar is the first thing that people notice. And it drives them away, since it is the symbol of her father, one of the most feared villains of all time... before he died.
READ PLEASE: We are so so incredibly close to 5K views, and when we are would you guys like me to do a questionnaire about Ikari, or ask me any questions about writing and the story in general? It would be a nice special for this story, since I'd never thought it would hit this milestone so quickly. So if you do have any questions, don't hesitate to write them down in the comments and I'll put them in the next segment! If there isn't enough questions by next Tuesday, I can always postpone it and do it Saturday as well. Whatever works:))
"You worry about me all the time. It needs to be mutual."— Hebinoya Ikari
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POV— Hebinoya Ikari
Don't let me go.
I've been trying to stop it.
Every time I think of him, every time I meet his eyes,
I can't help but want to have it.
Have it all.
Take him all for myself, so he'll never ever leave me.
Don't let me go.
I gasp for air. Every cell in my body feels as if it has been ripped apart and cast onto a thousand suns. It begs me to stop pushing it so much. I don't know if it's been ten seconds, ten minutes, or ten hours since I've been training.
"Stand up. A villain will not wait for you to catch your breath." Medusa's voice is cold and hard, devoid of sympathy. She seems to expect me to train for hours on end without any break. Father had expected the same thing, but over the years I've fell out of practice. I grit my teeth, annoyance thick in my voice.
"I'm trying!"
"Trying is not enough, idiota."
I force myself to stand, my hands trembling from exhaustion. Before Medusa can drill me harder again, my body releases itself from my mind and I collapse to the ground. My muscles strain as I try to force myself up again, but I don't have anymore control over my body. I lay there, gasping for breath.
Medusa stands over me, exasperation plastered over her face.
"If you cannot take this, you cannot beat any villain thrown your way."
I want to yell at her again, but my breath has not been returned and I only stay there, my body still on fire. She pinches her nose bridge.
"We'll try something else. Take a break and get some water, and come back in five minutes." Disappointment hides in her voice, and for a moment a flame of anger ignites in me and I want nothing more but to prove to her I am worthy.