Grudgby: Deal With The Devil (Kevin Edition)

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(Some of you may hate this chapter, but even if you do, please read the bottom notes. I have a important question to ask you all. But first, here are some scenes that I cut from the chapter!

"Stop. Talking," she growled, her whole face a shade of dark purple from his stupid comments.

"Gah! You got it in my eye! Which is-"

"Don't say it!" the two girls shouted in unison.

"-what my ex used to say! I'm on fire right now! I'm like my friend Zuko when his dad challenged him to agni kai."

"C'mon, say what you'll do to me. I need to be punished after all, don't I?" he asked with a sultry grin, short-circuiting Boscha's brain.

"Okaaay, well I'm gonna leave before anything happens," Amelia said as she got up from the chair and headed for the door.

"Nothing is going to happen!" Boscha shouted, horrified by what Amelia was saying.

"No, no, it's okay, you can stay. I don't mind you watching."

"Watching what?!

The air inside of Hexside was filled with an excitable energy as students ran up and down the halls, sporting their Banshee pride with blue and yellow clothing, some even with the Banshee mascot printed on the front or back. Two boys in particular were especially excited for tonight's game; they were on the second story, with one boy looking like a minotaur and the other a golem of stone. They screamed in each other's faces and bashed their foreheads together before the minotaur boy lifted the golem boy over his head and threw him out the window, breaking it. Kevin watched as the golem boy landed in a bush and stood back up before he let out another cheer and charged through the stone wall, running back down the hallway screaming in excitement.

"Am I missing something? Why is everyone so excited?" Kevin asked as he grabbed a book from his monster locker before its mouth closed shut. He joined Luz and Amity as they walked down the hallway to go to class.

"Our Grudgby team won a game last Friday, and today we're going up against our rival, Glandus High. Students here tend to get more...excited when we face off against them," Amity said, watching and flinching as two girls bash their foreheads, knocking themselves out. "This is usually as bad as it gets."

"Well, at least they're more tame than humans are when it comes to sports. I can't count how many times humans have practically burned their cities down because their team lost, or in some cases, won."

"Why would humans burn down their city if their team wins?" Amity asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Humans are...weird sometimes," Luz said, trying to be as nice as possible with her explanation. To be honest, she didn't really know the answer herself. Humans could be such a mystery.

"That's putting it nicely," Kevin muttered. "Humans are batshit crazy sometimes over the dumbest of things. Personally I've never seen the appeal of sports; I'd rather do anything else with my time than play or watch them."

"I take it that means you won't be coming to the game tonight?" a voice asked from the side, causing the three to stop in their tracks. Kevin grinned as they turned to see Boscha leaning against one of the lockers.

"Awww, does the team captain want me to come and cheer her on? That's so cute," Kevin cooed, causing the witch to scoff in annoyance, her cheeks flushing a bit.

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