Kevin vs. Hunter: Battle of the Ages

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Kevin and Hunter fight for supremacy in a a battle none the likes of the Boiling Isles have ever seen! Who will win? And, at what cost?



TW/ Blood and gore, extreme violence


Like an old school western showdown, Kevin and Hunter faced off against one another. Kevin's hands were at his side, clenching and unclenching, as Hunter gripped his staff. The area was quiet save for a few chirps and the rustling of branches from the wind.

'My body can't take much more of this; I'm nearing my limit faster than I thought. I need to end this quickly. 50% should hopefully be enough to finish this once and for all,' Kevin thought to himself, the blue electricity sparking across his body once more. 'One For All, 50%!'

Digging his heels into the dirt, he launched forward like a bullet across the open field, kicking up a wave of dust and dirt from the incredible speed. His eyes were locked onto the witch, not allowing him out of his sight. He cocked his arm back, his fist launching forward with every intention to knock Hunter away. He punched, but Hunter wasn't the one who received the devastating blow. A red bubble formed around Hunter, absorbing the punch and protecting the witch. Kevin's eyes widened in surprise as the force of his punch sent a vortex of wind and dust throughout the area.

With a grunt, Kevin landed on his feet, twisting his body and sending a roundhouse kick to the bubble as well, causing the same result. He growled, and in a flash he was behind Hunter, futilely punching the bubble. Again and again, he attacked the bubble, locking his hands together and slamming them on top, yet nothing happened. The bubble wasn't even dented. But the force was strong enough to leave a crater in the ground.

The witch watched the human, studying his movements, his speed and strength. He was strong; surely any of those attacks could've rendered even Hunter himself unconscious and out for the count. Kevin had tricks up his sleeves, but unluckily for him, so did Hunter.

Hunter drew a spell circle as Kevin sent another punch towards the bubble, causing a small hole to open in its side and aimed at Kevin. It seemingly happened in slow motion; Kevin's eyes widening in surprise as he watched the circle glow a bright red. He closed his eyes, and suddenly a blazing burst of fire shot from the circle and out the bubble, growing and growing like a tsunami and evaporating countless trees and creatures caught in its path. The attack and bubble died down, leaving Hunter to stare at the wave of destruction, which notably lacked any hint of a roasted human.

"You're faster than I expected," Hunter said as Kevin flashed across the field behind him. The human was panting, his arm ever so slightly burned from the surprise attack.

"I'm full of surprises," Kevin said with a smile, but on the inside he was furious. 'Goddamn bubble, not even a scratch. Need to up the power; can't afford to let him have the upper hand.'

"I figured; I was just testing you. I have a few tricks up my sleeves myself. Literally," Hunter said, rolling up one of his sleeves to reveal various markings on his arms. They were glyphs. "I've been studying your friend for a while now and the magic she can use. These glyphs increase my strength, speed, and allow me to heal quicker. Suffice to say, you're outmatched," Hunter said with a grin while rolling his sleeve back down.

"You're not the first evil asshole who's said that to me, and I doubt you'll be the last," Kevin said as his hands clenched. 'Gotta get those glyphs off of him. Need to burn his arms. Or better yet, burn him alive,' he thought to himself before shaking his head. Damn Taiko messing with his train of thought.

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