Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Tired, broken, bruised, Kevin's clones try to help their creator as the time ticks by for his life. As the clones battle against time, Luz and Amity have a much needed discussion.

Green trees met orange skies as the sun slowly started to descend, casting a somber hue on the Boiling Isles and surrounding areas. If one was in the forest, they would be able to see black smoke rising into the air from the now-destroyed castle. And, if someone was really close, they could even hear the whinnying of a horse as it sped off through the woods, faster than a flash of lightning, never slowing as it carried away its three riders. This was no ordinary horse, mind you, and neither were its occupants. The horse was purple with a golden mane and matching tail, wearing a blue helmet with three red spikes, two on the sides and one on top. Its rider, a knight, was equally as strange in appearance; a tall male with green skin clad in blue armor, with matching red spikes on his head and blades on his arms, and a red lance tightly clutched in each hand. Behind the knight sat an unconscious Kevin, still dripping blood from his fierce battle, and an elf with blonde hair and matching golden eyes, wearing green armor and a blue cape.

These men weren't real men, they were monsters, ones Kevin had summoned before passing out. Their respective names were Gaia the Fierce Knight and Celtic Guardian.

"Any way you can make this a steadier ride? You have no idea how hard this is with all this jumping around," Celtic asked as he bent down, using his teeth to bite and cut another stitch he had managed to use in his efforts to close Kevin's wounds. They weren't pretty or that well done, but it was the best he could do under these circumstances. And any help right now was better than no help at all.

"I'm afraid not! Our lord needs urgent care, we can't slow down or detour even for a second. We push forward, no matter what!" Gaia exclaimed as he used his lances to rip, tear, and decimate another tree that was in their way. "How is he? Those wounds look terrible."

"Unconscious, slow heart rate, and cold. He needs professional help, and soon. Otherwise..." Celtic trailed off, finishing another stitch.

"Use a signal flare to let any nearby clones know what has occurred and that their assistance is required! Onward, onward my steed!" Gaia exclaimed, feeling his horse increase its speed at his urging. As the horse sped up, Celtic Guardian pulled a flare gun from his side and fired it into the sky. Red smoke soon filled the air; should any clones still be standing, they would surely see it and know they were needed immediately. The monsters could only hope that there were a few left, and that it wasn't too late to save their master.

(The Owl House)

Restless and tired eyes finally opened to stare at the wooden ceiling above, trapped in a cocoon of warmth and comfort they hadn't experienced in hours. Said eyes shifted and looked around, taking in the living room of the Owl House in all its glory. Things were calm, quiet, besides the excessive tapping away as someone texted on their scroll. Luz sat up ever so slightly, staring at the mint green-haired girl currently sitting at the other end of the couch, too lost and deep in thought and concentration to notice her sudden movements.

"Amity?" Luz coughed from scratchy from how dry her throat felt. The greenette's attention immediately snapped to the human girl, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights and mouth gaped in shock. Before Luz could even comprehend what was going on, the witch girl lunged from across the couch and wrapped the human in the absolute tightest hug she had ever felt.

"Luz! Oh thank Titan you're finally awake!" Amity cried out in absolute joy, hugging and squeezing the life out of Luz. She buried her face in the crook of Luz's neck, trying and failing not to let a few tears come out.

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