The End of an Era

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All is quiet now that Hunter has gone into hiding. Luz and Kevin have a nice chat about what happens next, and if there will be anything next.


Sorry it's kinda short :/

(Several weeks later)

Hazel eyes opened to stare at a white ceiling, taking several seconds to blink awake before Kevin made an attempt to move his arms to rub the gunk out of them. His left arm was trapped, however, and he turned to see what was going on; he smiled, seeing the cute expression his pink-haired girlfriend had as she slept next to him, trapping his arm in a tight grip. He chuckled, moving to lightly poke her in the side, causing Boscha to grumble as she suddenly let go and turned in her sleep. Kevin smiled and leaned down, kissing her on the cheek before getting up and stretching, his joints and bones cracking and popping all at once. He marked the date down on the calendar, furrowing his brow at seeing it was August 16th, a loathsome date. After marking it down,r he stared out the window, lost in thought.

It had been three weeks since the drama surrounding the Golden Guard and Kevin's surgery. Despite efforts by Kevin, his clones, and his monsters, Hunter and his cronies were nowhere to be found. There were hints, whispers they were planning something big, but no actual evidence or results were brought to light. Kevin's surgery had gone well. For the first two weeks he was out of commission on the order of, well, everyone, but after securing some healing glyphs and potions, he felt better. Enough to go out for scouting and reconnaissance, at the very least.

He let out an irritated grunt before grabbing some clothes and getting dressed. He kissed Boscha's cheek again and went to leave before feeling something latch onto his wrist. He turned with a soft smile as he stared down at her, half lidded eyes as she fought and struggled to sit up.

"..ay," she mumbled, tired and barely able to keep her eyes open. He grabbed her wrist and was able to easily pry her fingers off of his arm. He laid her back down, softly kissing her on the lips before giving her a soft smile.

"I'll be right back, I promise. I just need to do something," he said before scratching at her ear. A soft purr came from her as she nodded and laid back down, allowing Kevin to softly close the door behind him as he left the room and descended down the stairs. He smiled at the scene before him; Luz and Amity were cuddling on the couch, having stayed up all night watching some show they had been obsessed with. They may have only been dating for three weeks, but to anyone, it would seem like years with how close and affectionate they were. They were keeping it a secret for the time being, as they didn't want Amity's parents finding out about it. It made Kevin happy, seeing them so happy with one another.

"Hey, wake up." He poked Luz in her side, softly at first but gradually poking harder the longer she stayed asleep. Eventually it worked, a little bit too well, since when Luz started to move and mumble, Amity soon followed. "Sorry for waking you guys, but I need to talk to Luz. It's important," he said, causing them to groan but nod in understanding. Luz got up and started following the boy, but Amity soon followed.

"Before you two leave..." Amity trailed off, blushing before she grabbed onto Luz and kissed her. It was soft and sweet, making Kevin smile as he gave Amity a low-five behind her back.

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