A Nightmare on the Boiling Isles

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TW (because I guess I'm supposed to do those?): Blood and 'death' technically.

Kevin hummed to himself as he took control of the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen, which was covered in countless bottles of various shapes, sizes, and colors. He moved from one side to the other elegantly, grabbing and unscrewing bottles and pouring the contents into two separate glasses. To an observer, it might seem like he was grabbing them at random, with no clear method to his madness, but to Kevin, it was anything but. Liquids of blue, gold, black, red, clear, and more were poured into the glasses, slowly but surely filling them up until they were nearly overflowing. With a smile he grabbed a small, light brown bottle and opened it before adding one single drop from it into each glass. Smoke rose from the glasses and formed a cloud, blackened and with lighting circulating through it. The smoke clouds soon turned into skulls and crossbones and let out a terrifying laugh before disappearing. Satisfied with how his concoctions had turned out, he slid one of the glasses across the island, where it stopped right before Eda.

The elder witch picked up the glass and inspected the mystery liquid within. After giving it a quick sniff and finding it smelled like a mixture of blood apple and cinnamon, she shrugged before taking a sip. As the cool liquid traveled down her throat, she smacked her lips and tried pinpointing the exact taste of the drink. She tasted hints of black licorice and pure, bottled lighting she was sure she had purposely hidden before he started making these drinks. Then the full power of the drink finally hit her.

Eda's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell backwards out of her chair and onto the ground below. Kevin concentrated the power he used for his clones and a pocket watch appeared in his right hand before he started counting the seconds. A total of 20 seconds passed before Eda's eyes rolled upwards and she gasped. With a sudden burst of energy, she shot up from the ground and back to her feet.

"Whoo! That was-That was...whoo!" she exclaimed excitedly before snatching her glass off of the island and taking another sip. Kevin chuckled at her reaction.

"Glad you like it. This thing is strong enough to kill an adult human male, so I'm glad witches are stronger than the average human."

"Like it? Kid, I love it! It's been a long time since something's knocked me out for so long. Keep making me these and I might forgive you for...the incident." She shuddered at the horrid memory.

"How was I supposed to know that would happen if I gave Hooty chocolate?" he asked. "Besides, my clones cleaned up the mess."

"The physical mess, yeah, but they can't get rid of the mental scarring that I'm now stuck with until the day I die," she said with just a tad of annoyance hidden in her tone. "Now if you're done, let's head outside. I'm sure the others are getting impatient waiting," she said before heading out the door and into the backyard.

Kevin nodded in acknowledgment and licked his lips in excitement as he grabbed his own glass. Raising the glass to his lips, he readied himself to take a drink. The bottled lighting within the drink jumped out of the glass and left a tingling sensation against his lips. But before he could consume even a drop of his creation, the glass was quickly snatched out of his hand, much to his surprise.

"What the? Luz! Luz no, no please don't I'm literally beg—goddammit!" he exclaimed angrily, watching as his friend poured his drink down the sink's drain without so much as a second thought. "Why?! Why would you do that? I spent two hours making and perfecting that!"

"Because you promised me that you'd cut back and eventually stop drinking," she retorted with a frown, her disappointment immeasurable. "Remember? That I promised I'd help you get better?"

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