You took everything from me! I don't even know who you are

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The forest was quiet and dull, with the only sounds being the rustling of branches as wind traveled through them and the rushing water of the streams that ran throughout the area. Everything was peaceful and gave the creatures that dwelled in these woods a few precious moments of rest and relaxation.

"AHHHHHHH!" two voices screamed in the forest, their cries followed by a monstrous roar. The creatures were spooked by the screams and roar, and some watched as several trees were knocked down in the distance.

"Just grab the egg you said! It'll never notice you said! Well, I'm pretty sure it bloody well noticed!" Kevin shouted as he slid under a fallen tree. Luz ran next to him, opting to jump over the fallen tree so as to not damage the cargo she currently held; a giant, white egg with red circles scattered around the shell.

"I said I was sorry! The thing had, like, 20 other eggs; I didn't think it would notice that one was missing!" Luz shouted back, the monster's roar causing a shudder to run up her spine. She turned to look back, her eyes widening in horror at the sight of the beast.

The monster behind them was a large bird that ran on two giant legs. The beast was covered in white fur stained red with the blood of whatever prey it had gobbled up from its previous hunt. Its eyes were like giant pearls, pure white with no hint of an iris. Its sharp and jagged teeth poked through its beak, and a dismembered arm hung loosely from the right side; it was more than likely from a witch that had been unlucky enough to cross paths with the monster prior. The beast was an Inmortuatlus, an ancient bird monster that some believed would bring the world's destruction. When it roared, it sounded like a combination of Godzilla and a T-Rex.

"You should've just let me fry this thing when we had the chance!" Kevin shouted as he sidestepped the monster's beak as it lunged at him, trying to take a quick bite.

"But all life is precious!"

"Life stops being precious when it starts trying to kill you!" Kevin argued as the beast started to close the distance between them. Just how fast was this thing going? "I hope you have a plan! Because all my plans end with the same result: those 19 other eggs becoming motherless!"

Luz bit her lip as she thought over their situation and what could be done. The monster had barreled through every glyph she's tried to use, so those were out of the question. It had smashed through the countless stone walls Kevin had put up and fought against the wind he had tried to use to push it back. She didn't want to hurt the creature; they had stolen her egg, after all. If only there were more of her and Kevin, than maybe they could trick the monster and escape.

Wait...that's it!

"Here, take this!" Luz shouted, suddenly throwing the egg towards Kevin. The boy caught it in his hands and stared at her with wide eyes that screamed 'what are you thinking?!'.

"I don't like this plan!"

"When you summon your clones, they appear exactly like you, right? That means they'll be holding eggs when they spawn in! Summon some clones so we can trick her!"

Kevin nodded at the idea and did as he was told. Several clouds of smoke poofed around him as his clones were summoned. Like Luz had predicted, they were all holding eggs similar to Kevin. "Okay, now what?" Kevin asked before he watched Luz snatch the real egg from his hands.

"Now you guys distract her while I run away with the real egg! I'll see you back at the Owl House! Good luck!" Luz called out as she skidded to a stop and ran through a group of smaller trees off to the side of the path. The Inmortuatlus didn't seem to notice, as the angry mother continued chasing Kevin and his clones.

"Wha—I better be allowed to drink when this is all over!" Kevin screamed, hoping that Luz could hear him. He dove into a nearby bush and peeked through the branches, watching as his clones drew the Inmortuatlus away from him. A sigh escaped his lips as he stood from the bush and dusted himself clean of leaves and tiny branches. He was sure they would give him shit for using them as bait later. "I can't tell what's worse: the fact that she used me and my clones as bait or that I literally can't stay mad at her," Kevin wondered out loud to himself. He could hear the screams of his clones and the roar of the Inmortuatlus in the distance, and figured the best course of action would be getting the hell out of these woods before she returned.

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