Getting Schooled

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"Where are we going exactly?"

"Shhhh, it's a surprise!"

"Please tell me this isn't like that last surprise you had for me. Suit nearly had a meltdown 'cause somehow I ended up breaking my leg."

"I said I was sorry! I didn't know that cliff was there!"

Kevin and Luz were currently walking through the forest, and to Kevin their current destination was unknown. Luz had woken him up really early this morning, practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. She had told him to hurry up and to take a shower and to get dressed because they had to leave ASAP. He had done as he was told and before he knew it, she was pushing him out the front door, with a blindfold tied tightly around his eyes no less. With his lack of eyesight, she guided him through the forest to wherever she was taking him.

"Besides, I'd say we're even for that one time," Luz said.

"Oh come on! So you were almost eaten by giant spider people. You know how bad my arachnophobia is! You shouldn't have taken me there! Besides, I ended up saving you, didn't I?"

"Yeah, a whole day after they webbed me up! Do you know how close they were to eating me?!"

"But they didn't, did they? You're welcome," Kevin said before he felt a branch smack him in the face. "Ow! The bloody hell?"

"Whoops, I got distracted," Luz giggled, before stopping him. "Okay, take the blindfold off!"

Kevin did as he was told, and he was met with the sight of a beautiful white building with accents of teal and gold. There were three towers incorporated into the building. Each was several stories tall, but the one in the middle was double the length of the other two. A giant eyeball with a red iris sat in the window atop of the middle tower, staring off into the distance.

"Welcome to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics! Gah, I'm so excited to be back!" Luz exclaimed with absolute glee as she jumped up and down, her body shaking from excitement.

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't stop talking about this place back after we first met," Kevin said. "Wait, hasn't the school year been continuing ever since you left? Aren't you, ya know, gonna fail by being so far behind?"

"Nope! Since I can't do magic in my world, Bump convinced the teachers just to give me extra book work until I got back. Owlbert would bring it to me at night after my mom went to sleep, and I'd stay up all night doing it!"

"Ah, that explains why your grades were slipping back in the human world," Kevin said, remembering how her mother would go on a tangent in Spanish about her continuously lowering grades. He was still surprised she was able to get them up at the last minute. "So why'd you bring me here?"

"To show you around! I wanna show you all the coven tracks and all the cool stuff they can do! Oh, and I can also introduce you to-"

"Luz?!" two separate voices shouted in unison, cutting the girl off. Her eyes widened as she grinned before she turned to see two witches running at her at full speed. One was a short, dark skinned boy, and the other was a girl with the kind of large glasses that you'd see a grandmother wear.

"Gus! Willow!"

Luz rushed towards the two, and the three met with a group hug. Kevin couldn't help but smile at the scene of the three friends reuniting after so long. It also made him a bit sad as he remembers the countless friends he's left behind in other dimensions. He should really give them a call sometime.

"Oh my god, I've missed you two so much! There's so much I gotta tell you guys about! Gus, have you gotten taller? Willow, is that ponytail new? How have you guys been?" Luz asked as the three separated, allowing Luz to get a better look at them.

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