A Broken Arm, and a Broken Heart

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The roar and cheers of the crowd welcomed Eda and Kevin as they stepped out of their respective tunnels and into the light. They waved to the crowd as they stepped into the arena, ready for their duel to begin.

"Go Eda! Kick his butt!" King rooted for his caretaker from the stands as he wore his little white and yellow cheerleader outfit and excitedly waved his matching pom poms in the air.

"Go Eda! No wait, go Kevin! No wait! Gah, I can't decide who to root for! Amity, who are you rooting for? Help me decide!" Luz exclaimed, practically vibrating where she sat out of excitement.

"I guess Eda? She is the strongest witch in the Boiling Isles, after all. I doubt Kevin will be able to keep up with someone who's been practicing magic for over 30 years." Amity shrugged from her seat beside Luz. To her, rooting for Eda was the most logical thing she could do. She's had over 30 years with her magic compared to Kevin's, what, one? Maybe two? You'd have to be a fool to root for him...

And okay, maybe she was rooting for Eda because she wasn't particularly fond of Kevin and his closeness to Luz. Did that make her such a bad witch?

...Don't answer that.

"I guess that makes sense, but just because Eda has had more time practicing magic doesn't mean Kevin will down that easily. It's why I can't decide to cheer on! Eda is powerful, but Kevin always has a trick or two up his sleeve. Man, this is gonna be awesome!" Luz said with stars in her eyes.

'She's never cheered like this for me,' Amity thought bitterly, trying not to let her face show how annoyed (or hurt) she was. That quickly changed, however, as she felt a strong and muscly arm wrap around her shoulders, before she was pulled closer to her crush.

"Have I thanked you for coming with me to watch this? It wouldn't be as much fun without you!" Luz said with a sincere and warm smile, causing Amity to blush bright red as she smiled goofily at the contact.

"I love you," she said, her brain turning into mush at the warmth radiating from Luz. Her expression quickly turned to one of horror as she realized what she had just said.

"Who's ready for the fight of a lifetime?" Kevin exclaimed from the arena floor at the same time that Amity announced her true feelings, causing the crowd to cheer wildly.

"Whoo! Be careful, you two!" Luz cheered from her seat before turning back to her friend. "What did you say, Amity?"

"I-I said I can't wait for this thing to start!" she stuttered, for once happy that Kevin had gotten in the way.

'This is just sad and painful,' King thought with a sigh after hearing what had been truly said. As much as he loved Luz like family, sometimes he wondered how one could be so oblivious?

"Okay kid, what are the rules? I'll let you choose to give you an edge," Eda said, curious what he would decide.

"The only rule is that there are no rules! Anything goes, and that includes cheating too," Kevin said with a smile.

"Heh, my kinda rules. Let's hope you don't regret them, kid!" Eda exclaimed, aiming her staff at the human and causing a swirling vortex of flames to shoot out at him. Kevin was ready as a cloud of smoke poofed in front of him, causing the flames to go right through and hit the wall behind him. Several more clouds of smoke surrounded Eda, causing her to smile. "Ha! Smoke clouds won't work against me, kid!"

"They aren't smoke clouds," Kevin said, causing Eda's eyes to widen as she heard multiple voices say this instead of just the one she was expecting. Gripping the lower end of her staff, Eda gave a giant swing and caused a gust of wind to go out in every direction. This blew the smoke away and revealed that she was surrounded by 12 Kevins. "It's over Eda, we have the high ground," the 12 spoke in unison, making Eda unable to detect which was the real one.

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