Laying Siege

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As Kevin, Amity, and friends set out to rescuse Luz, dark secrets are unearthed about the people who took her. Will they be able to rescuse her before it's too late?

The sun was high in the sky as the group marched through the forest, a lone dirt path leading to their intended destination. Kevin was in the lead, with Amity, Gus, and Willow right behind him. When the last two had heard what happened, they were quick to accept Kevin's offer to help get their friend back from whoever or what, had taken her. They had defied Belos once before, and they could do it again with whoever was now in charge of his old guards. The three witches stopped immediately once Kevin raised his hand and stopped himself.

"Why are we stopping?"

"This is where we part ways," Kevin said, turning around while grabbing something from his pocket. He opened his hand to reveal a small device with a red button on the side, and after he pressed it, a holographic model of the castle appeared. Using his hand, he turned the castle around to show the others its backside. "There's a crack in the back wall, which should be weak enough for Willow to use her vines to tear a hole for the four of you to slip through."

"Four?" Amity asked with a raised eyebrow. Kevin nodded before summoning a clone next to his side.

"I'm sending One in with you. While the guards are focused on my assault, One will be able to get you inside the castle. From there, he'll protect you while you all look for Luz. Get in, find and grab Luz, and get out," Kevin said, turning off the device before pocketing it. "Luz is the mission, nothing else matters besides getting her out of whatever hell hole she's in right now. No matter what happens, I need you three to promise me you'll get her out and back to the Owl House. A shield is already set in place should they track you down and attack, and Hooty will be there as well in order to make sure you're all safe."

"But what about you?" Gus asked, feeling his stomach doing twists and turns at the idea of this plan. There was no telling what awaited them inside that castle... but that didn't matter. What mattered was getting their friend out safely.

"Don't worry about me. I've been in trickier situations; I can take care of myself," Kevin said, trying to calm them down ahead of the battle. "Now promise me you'll get Luz out of there and back to safety, no matter what happens to me."

"If we can, we'll try getting everyone out safely. Even you, should the situation arise," Amity said with a firm nod, vowing to try and keep everyone safe. "But yes, we promise to get Luz out, no matter what." She nodded, as did Gus and Willow.

"That's what I like to hear. Now go on. Once I summon my army, there's no turning back," Kevin said. The others nodded again before marching off with clone One. But Amity stopped in her tracks and cast a glance back at the human.

"In case things go wrong... I'm sorry for what I said the other night. And for all the trouble I might've caused you."

"Heh, apologize to me after we get Luz out of there. And, for what it's worth, I'm sorry too." He gave her a smile before waving her off. "Now go with One. If you thought one of me was annoying, you don't wanna be around when there's 100," he said, causing the greenette to shudder in fear. The thought of two of him was bad enough, but a hundred? She'd need to break out the apple blood.

"Okay, okay... good luck," she said before running off to catch up with the clone and the others.

Once she was gone, Kevin rolled his neck from the left to the right, hearing it crack several times before rubbing his hands together. "Okay, you beautiful bastards, showtime!" he roared, raising his hands into the air and causing numerous clouds of smoke to poof into the air. His legs wobbled, and his breath became shallow and ragged, but he stood tall and stared at the sea of 100 clones he had managed to summon. "Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once: Luz has been kidnapped! We don't exactly know by who, but we do know where she's being held. We're gonna go there, knock some heads around, and get her and her friends out safely. Easier said than done, I know, but hey, that's never stopped me before," Kevin said before bringing back out the device and turning it on. He zoomed in on one of the stone towers on the wall.

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