Fair of Doom!

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The smell of cheap and greasy food was heavy and potent as it wafted through the air, the screams of child and adult alike in either terror or joy boomed across the land, and already several fingers and toes had been chewed off and lost to the little demons put on display for the enjoyment of the attendees and for the little kids to throw food to. The combination of these things could only mean one thing: the annual Bonesborough fair was in town! Every year for the last several, a fair was set up to give the residents of the Boiling Isles some enjoyment in their lives. The fair was always filled with countless rides, games that may or may not have been rigged (they definitely always were), captured demons put on display for entertainment, and new and exciting food that may or may not end up killing you.

Amity was never one who enjoyed the fair or ever had any intention on going, and only ever came in the past because Edric and Emira would drag (kidnap) her and force her to stay for a few hours to be a 'normal kid,' as they called it. This was back when all she cared about was studying, back when having 'fun' seemed like nonsense and anything else but studying or practicing was seen as a complete waste of time. This was before she dropped her old 'friend' group, back when she feared her parent's wrath, back before she made genuine friends that actually cared about her and her well-being...back before a certain hazel-eyed goddess came crashing into her life and implanted herself in Amity's heart like a beautiful- annoying tick. She, of course, meant the residential human witch of the Boiling Isles, Luz Noceda. The girl who had torn down the walls Amity spent years building up in a matter of mere weeks. (should I cross out like aaa ?)

It was thanks to Luz that Amity no longer recognized the girl her parents shaped and molded her to be, and she couldn't be happier. While she still liked locking herself away to study from time to time, she much rather enjoyed spending time with her new and genuine friends and getting into crazy and occasionally deadly adventures. To her, it was a breath of fresh air she hadn't known she needed, and she refused to trade anything for it. And today was no different, as Amity found herself at the Bonesborough fair of her own free will instead of her siblings forcing her into a sack. You see, the fair was yet another one of Kevin's 10 activities to try and get her and Luz together. It would be a lie to say she wasn't excited for today, and she had every intention of enjoying this day and her time with Luz...although after finally finding her other human friend and seeing his current... appearance , she was currently having second thoughts about all of this.

"Why are you wearing that?" Amity asked, tone laced with utter confusion and bafflement, one of her eyebrows quirked as she stared at Kevin and his current choice of attire. The human male currently had his face painted white with black lipstick and matching eyeshadow; he wore a black-and-white horizontal striped shirt with long sleeves, black pants, black suspenders, white gloves, and a black beret.

"It'll help me blend in with the other fair employees. That way I can follow the two of you around and make sure nothing bad happens. It'll also help make sure Luz doesn't recognize me. Now shush, mimes aren't supposed to talk," Kevin said as he raised and moved his hands around, pretending to be trapped inside an invisible box. After a few seconds realization dawned upon him, and he turned back to the greenette. "Wait, do mimes even exist in his world? Because if not, then my disguise makes no sense."

"Kevin, it doesn't make sense even with mimes existing in our world. Plus, fairs don't even have mimes in the first place."

"...You've gotta be kidding me. Do you know how long it took me to do my makeup? I wasted two hours doing all of this!" he exclaimed while pointing to his painted face.

"How did it take you two hours to paint your face white and lips and eyes black?"

"Doing an eyeshadow job this good doesn't just happen, sweetie; it takes time, patience, skill, and—"

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