Sweeter Than Honey, You Give Me Such A Buzz

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"'Til death do us part, but we're already past that phase. This is a brand-new start, and I think I deserve some praise."

There was a feeling of pure and electrifying energy in the air as the music bumped and shook the building, the different and brightly colored lights lighting up the dance floor and those dancing their souls away. Demon, monster, and witch alike shared the space to express themselves freely, from the experienced busting moves that any ordinary person would probably break their neck trying, to the less experienced who were just happy to be there.

But Amity could see no one else other than the apple of her eye that stood in the middle of all the wildly colored and multi-limbed demons and witches. Luz danced her heart out, uncaring if she was receiving any strange looks from the others in the building. Her body moved to the rhythm and matched it perfectly, bouncing back and forth, her limbs moving in a way that made some think humans didn't have any bones. She moved her body in a way that seemed alien to those who had never seen a human dance before, and yet Amity found absolutely alluring. Amity couldn't keep her eyes off Luz, her heart jackhammering in her chest, finding it much harder to breath as she watched her crush's swaying, hypnotic hips. Watching as sweat dripped down her hair and down her tanned neck, Amity subconsciously licked her lips at the sight.

"Are you gonna, I don't know, actually go dance with her? Or are ya just gonna stare at her all night?" Kevin asked from beside her, a glass full of pink, purple, and blue liquid sitting comfortably in his hand. This caused the greenette to jump in surprise; she had completely forgotten he was here.

"I-I will soon! I-I'm just nervous is all. I-I've never danced in front of other people before," she half lied. While it was true she had never danced in front of others before, she was more frightened of making herself seem like a fool in front of Luz. "W-Which reminds me; how did you get us in here anyway? Only 'the most exclusive of the exclusive' can get in," Amity asked, still confused how he had managed to get all three of them access. Kevin merely played with his straw at the question as he tried finding the right wording.


(18 hours earlier. Location: Home of the Club Owner)

Mantus "Boss" Pwcca was the first and oldest club owner in the Boiling Isles. He was a short red demon that just barley stood at three feet even, with more wrinkles across his body than a crinkled-up paper ball. What little hair he had left was gray and hung pathetically on the sides of his head, and the bottom of his eyes had permanent marks from the thick glasses he always had to wear.

Currently, Mantus was in his bed, a loud snore escaping him as he slept the night away. While unconscious, he had no idea of the black smoke that was seeping into his room from all openings until it started to invade his lungs. He coughed violently, causing him to awaken with a gasp. Scrambling for his glasses, he watched the thick smoke slowly consume everything around him.

"Mantus Pwcca," a thick and gravelly voice spoke from the shadows, causing a shiver of fear to run up his spine. "I have come for thee!" the voice shouted before the door to his room was kicked off its hinges. In stepped a shadowy figure, a black cloak draped over their body as glowing blue chains hung from its wrists, a glowing blue scythe held in their hands. The figure eyes glowed a bright shade of blue that seemed to peer directly into his soul.

Mantus screamed in fear and fell off his bed as a result. He crawled backwards, trying to get away as the figure came closer to him.

"W-Who are you?!" Mantus shouted in fright.

"I. Am. DEATH !" the figure, 'Death,' exclaimed, his voice booming and seemingly causing the house to shake. "It is your time," Death said, a blue flame enveloping its hand before reaching for Mantus.

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