Stampede Your Way Into My Heart

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Bouncing her knee as her nerves slowly got the better of her, Amity looked back and forth along the long path that stretched throughout the park, seeing nary a sign of her accomplice or her date for the afternoon. A sigh escaped her as her stomach started to churn, fearing the worst. Were they feeling ill? Had the owl lady dragged them into another one of her deathly schemes? Or had they completely forgotten about her? All these questions and more plagued her mind and made her start having doubts about this whole thing. Should she go home and avoid the inevitable pain? Or stay and hope this plan of Kevin's would work?

After the whole club fiasco (caused by Kevin, which she would never let him live down), Amity had chosen the second activity she and Luz would do in an attempt to form some romantic sparks: a simple stroll through the park, which would lead up to a nice picnic created and set up by Kevin. It was nice and simple, something straight out of the cheesy romance novels she read from time to time (and was obsessed with, but she'd never admit that). After picking the plan, she and Kevin had agreed to meet up today before Luz arrived to go over everything once more, but the boy appeared to be running late.

"You look nice," a voice said from beside her, causing the witch to jump in her seat. Turning, a small sigh of relief escaped her as she stared at Kevin. The teen currently wore a simple pair of black pants and matching shirt, a silver flask held loosely between his fingertips. She noticed his skin was much paler than usual, and the shade of purple under his eyes appeared a shade or two darker than normal

"Thank you," she said while standing up, smoothing out her current attire: a loose, dark purple shirt, black skirt, and matching black boots. A simplistic look that Emira said would 'knock Luz dead'. "Are you okay? You look tired," she asked, worry laced in her tone.

"I didn't get much sleep last night," he answered with a shrug, unscrewing the cap before taking a drink. The rancid liquid inside made him shudder in disgust, but helped wake him up, even if it was just a little bit.

"Why not? Was it that annoying owl head again?" she further asked, annoyed at the thought of that stupid demon keeping him awake all night from its incessant blabbering. 'Wait, does it keep Luz up all night too? I swear to Titan that annoying thing better leave her alone!'

"No, it wasn't Hooty. I..." he trailed off, taking a minute to find the right wording.

(Flashback: The Previous Night. Location: The Owl House)

A chilly and unforgiving wind whipped through the forest, causing many of the smaller demons to search to shelter from the cold. Warm lights shone brightly through the windows from a single house that hid in the middle of the trees in a small open area. The Owl House was quiet, its occupants currently experiencing peaceful slumbers. All of them, except for one.

In a lone room, bare save for a bed and nightstand, lay Kevin. His eyes twitched in his sleep as sweat dripped down his body. Whimpers and groans escaped him as he shuddered in fear and thrashed in his bed, swinging his arms in the air as he fought back against whatever he saw in his dreams. In the midst of his imaginary fight, his left-hand slammed itself against the nightstand, and the top card of his deck slid off the stack and grazed his hand before landing on the floor.

In a poof of smoke, another one of his creatures appeared, a purple beaver clad in blue armor with a little sword and shield strapped to its hip. It stood mere inches taller than King. Its red and beady eyes scanned the room for trouble, assuming that was why it had been summoned. Its eyes landed upon the sleeping form of Kevin, and they widened from seeing him thrash in his sleep. Grabbing a nearby bucket, the beaver used it to climb onto the bed before shaking Kevin, trying to awaken him. It didn't work, and the beaver grew worried as Kevin let out another whimper in his sleep. It unstrapped the shield from its hip before mentally apologizing for what it's about to do, before slapping the shield against Kevin's chest.

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