Walking in the Rain

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As acid rain falls from the sky, Boscha must deal with her confusing and aggravating feelings for Kevin as they take refuge inside her home. Would could possibly go wrong?

Acid rain, a more deadly version of boiling rain, attacked Bonesborough mercilessly as it fell from the sky, destroying anything and everything that wasn't protected by protective bubbles. In situations like these, the children of Hexside were forced to stay inside the school until their parents or legal guardians could come and safely pick them up. For many it was an annoyance, but not a giant one, as many student's parents arrived within moments of being notified to whisk their children back home and to safety on their staffs. Well, most students had the luxury.

"What do you mean you're not coming?!" Boscha's shout echoed through the near-empty halls of Hexside, as the majority of students and staff had already left. Only a few people remained in the school, such as the janitors, some teachers, and in this case, Boscha herself. The poor girl was left to pace back and forth by the front door of the school as she spoke to her mother on her scroll. "Where even are you guys?" she asked, and a murmur could be heard from the other end of her call.

"Oceanmond? Why are you guys there?" she asked before receiving another murmur. "Wha—You had to take him now instead of waiting for me?! Is his birthday really that much more important than my own safety?" Boscha asked, angry that her parents would take the annoying wart that was her little brother out of town first before making sure she was okay first.

"Yes, I understand you only turn 10 once, but—yeah, but—that isn't fai—grr, fine!" she shouted before hanging up on her mother. She growled and pulled her hair in anger, needing something, anything to take her frustration out on. She turned, and with a shout threw her scroll at the nearest wall, hoping the satisfying crash would do anything to ease and calm her down. But the crash of destruction never came as a hand reached out and grabbed the scroll just before it could make contact. Kevin stared down at the scroll in his hand and eyed Boscha questioningly.

"Trouble in paradise, princess?" he asked, walking over to her and offering her scroll back. The witch murmured a quiet 'thanks' as she took it back from him.

"When isn't there?" she asked rhetorically while rolling all three eyes. "What are you doing here? I thought you would've left a while ago with Luz and whatever her name is, her witch mom I'll call her."

"Luz and Amity were picked up by Eda a while ago; I had to stay behind because I got detention. Apparently giving your Abomination a dick is 'inappropriate' and 'offensive' and 'against school rules,'" Kevin said with finger quotes, causing Boscha to shake her head in disappointment. Of course the dumbass would do something like that and get in trouble. She really needed her brain examined because why did she like him of all people.

"Why did you give your Abomination a dick?"

"Well, my friend Nyroc and I were talking at lunch, and we both agreed it would be a funny thing to do. But he didn't think I was brave enough to do it, so we made a bet on whether or not I'd do it."

"I hope winning was worth the detention, idiot," Boscha said, causing Kevin to laugh.

"It will be when he has to come to school tomorrow in a very special outfit I picked out for him," Kevin said with a smile and a familiar glint in his eyes. Boscha didn't know who Nyroc was, but she felt bad for him; titan knows what this freak was going to make him wear. "So what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong; I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?" Boscha lied, not wanting to divulge into her family life. Kevin raised an eyebrow, not convinced.

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