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The forest was quiet during this time of day, the only sounds being the rustling of branches as birds landed on them or bushes as the smaller monsters ran around in search of food. A pack of three little monsters, their fur pink and the irises of all four of their eyes a dark shade of red, was chewing on some fruit they had found in the middle of the dirt path. A twig behind them snapped, and in their moment of fear that a predator was near, they gathered what fruit they could before scurrying up the nearest tree. They hid in the leaves and watched as three people walked past them, thankfully stepping over the remaining fruit.

The three creatures sighed in relief before climbing back down to further enjoy their meal. They would've too, had it not been for three separate screeches echoing throughout the sky. The creatures had no time to flee as three baby heads, each sprouting tiny little legs and bat wings, came swooping down and tackled them down into a nearby bush. For several seconds, the screeches of terror and struggling came from the bush before there was absolute silence.

"I can do this," the youngest of the three people said to herself, psyching herself up; she was on a mission, and she wasn't going to back out!

"You can do this," the two older people chanted together, trying to give the younger girl confidence.

"I can do this!"

"You can do this!" the two chanted again, not noticing the second thoughts their younger companion was having.

"I-I can't do this. I can't do this!"

"You can do this!"

"Say, why don't we just go home and try again tomorrow? I promise I won't chicken out!" the youngest of the three tried to bargain, turning around and starting to walk in the opposite direction.

"Oh no you don't!" the two shouted in unison, managing to grab the younger girl by her arms before lifting her into the air.

"This is for your own good, Mittens!" one of the older two, a young man, said as he tried his best to keep her from running away. His sister nodded in agreement. They had come this far; there was no point in chickening out now.

The sounds of shouting and struggling rang throughout the forest, scaring away the birds and little monsters that were in search of food or a place to rest. Those who weren't scared away watched with interest as the young girl kicked the air in hopes of escaping.

"Emira, Edric! You don't have to do this! It's not too late; we can still walk away!"

"But I thought you were just dying to see your little girlfriend again. What's it been? A year?" the young man, Edric, asked.

"According to her diary, it's been nine months and seven days. Isn't that cute? She's been counting down the days until she saw the human again," Emira, twin sister to Edric, teased. The two watched with proud smiles as their little sister's once pale face turned into a bright red.

"You-you read my diary?"

"We have, 'Amity Noceda.' Just be happy mom and dad haven't seen it. You've had some...interesting dreams," Emira said, still scarred from reading that section of her little sister's diary.

Amity groaned before dropping her head as her body went limp. No longer did she want to run away; now she craved the sweet release of death to get out of this embarrassing situation.

It'd been nine months since Luz Noceda, the only human ever to enter the Boiling Isles, left to go back home to the human world. She was only on summer vacation then, meaning those three months were all she could spare before needing to go back. But in those three months, she had caused great change in the demon realm.

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