Chocolate Kisses

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As Luz and Amity enjoy their camping trip, Kevin tackles the dangers that await them, such as killer bees, a bear, and one very hungry Raccoon.

As she listened to the sound of bird demons chirping and a soft breeze rustling the leaves high above her, Amity let out a sigh of relief as she basked in the peace and quiet the forest had to offer her. The girl lay on her back, floating around the center of a small lake deep within the forest, the sun's rays peeking between the canopy above and washing over her body. She had always loved the forest; it was a beautiful and quiet place, free from the constant stresses of her life, such as school, her siblings, and worst of all, her parents. Here she could relax and take this time to enjoy herself for once in her life.


Amity had no time to react as someone jumped from the small cliff that overlooked the lake and landed a few feet away from her, kicking water high into the air and splashing it all over the teenage witch. She let out a startled gasp from getting hit in the face with water and quickly wiped away the water out of her eyes and nose as the person resurfaced beside her, laughing gleefully.

"Did you see how high I splashed the water into the air? It was awesome!" Luz exclaimed excitedly. If anyone else had done such a thing (especially Kevin), Amity would be throttling them by now for doing such a stupid act and nearly hitting her, but this was Luz. So all she could do was smile and nod encouragingly.

"It's the highest I've ever seen," Amity said, and the happy and proud smile she received from Luz made her heart flutter.

The duo had been out in the woods for a few hours now, having already set up camp before deciding to take a nice and relaxing swim. Amity had always liked camping, as she, Willow, and Willow's fathers often did so when they were younger and still friends. But being out here alone and with Luz, the experience was somehow already 10 times more enjoyable. Truthfully, so far this was been her favorite of the ideas that Kevin has had. Speaking of the human, he was around here somewhere in order to make sure nothing bad would happen during their little day away from city life.

A glint in the trees across the lake could be seen if one was paying close enough attention. Kevin sat on a tree branch, pair of binoculars in hand as he wore what was known as a ghillie suit, a suit often used by hunters and soldiers that would help them blend into their surroundings. As he watched them, he felt a sudden sting against his neck, and slapped the area.

"Motherfucker," he hissed, removing his hand to see if he had hit whatever had stung him. A black and blue mosquito-looking creature laid in his hand, body squished, legs and wings twitching. Kevin watched as the insect stuck one of its legs into its mouth before blowing, causing the bug to inflate itself to its normal size. The bug flew out of Kevin's hand and got to eye level with the boy, letting him clearly see as the bug flipped him off. "Well fuck you too, ya little bugger! Maybe don't be like my one friend Marceline and try to suck my blood!"

The bug buzzed angrily before flying around Kevin's face, causing the teen to try and swat it away. The more it flew, the more Kevin tried to hit it, shaking the tree branch violently as he tried to kill the damn insect. He leaned too close to try and hit it and yelped as he fell off the branch and started plummeting towards the ground. He acted fast and caught himself on a lower branch, stopping his descent with a sigh of relief. The bug flew down to him and stuck its tongue out before flying away. "Maybe I'm a masochist instead of a sadist. I must be if I keep suggesting these ideas I know I'm going to hate."

As he pulled himself back onto the tree branch, Luz and Amity were getting out of the water and drying off with their towels. They started walking on the path that would lead them back to camp the quickest, where they would get dressed and decide what to do next. As they walked side by side through the calm forest, Amity felt something slip into hand. She looked down, blushing red from Luz grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers. Luz gave her a wide and brilliant smile, causing Amity's to beat faster than before.

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