Jealousy, Thy Name is Amity

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Amity snuggled deeper into the warm and soft spot she found herself in, the scent of honey and tea wafting through the air made the experience all the more pleasurable. She felt something, or someone, shift around where she currently lay, the light above her being eclipsed by a shadow. She opened her eyes and froze as she stared into the beautiful brown orbs of the love of her life. Luz stared down at her with a wide and happy smile, their faces less than an inch away, their noses nearly touching.

"Oh thank god you're awake! I was really worried when your whole face turned red and you passed out!"

"Ahhh!" Amity shouted in surprise at how close they were and, in a panic, rolled off the couch and onto the floor below.

"This is going to be a reoccurring theme, isn't it?" Kevin asked Eda as they watched Luz hop off the couch and onto the floor.

"You better believe it, kid."

"Amity! Oh my god, are you okay? I didn't mean you scare you, I promise! Is your nose broken?" Luz asked worriedly as she turned and leaned over her friend, using one of her hands to caress Amity's face to check for bumps and bruises and to see if anything had been broken.

Amity felt her breath hitch in her throat at their current position, as she was reminded of a dream she had once had; all that was missing was some rope.

"I-I'm f-fine Luz, j-just f-fine," Amity managed to stutter out as Luz helped her up and back onto the couch. It was when she saw Kevin sitting at the other side of the couch that she remembered what had happened, and she tried her best not to let her disappointment show. "Oh. Hello, human."

"Oh! I forgot I haven't introduced the two of you yet!" Luz giggled. "Amity, this is Kevin. He's been, like, my best human friend for the past few months! And Kevin, this is Amity! She's one of my best witch friends! We didn't exactly see eye to eye when we first met, but we're total besties now!"

'Pain. All I know is pain," Amity thought with a sigh.

"A pleasure to meet you." He nodded to her.


"Okay, now that the introductions are out of the way, we can get down to business," Eda said before there could be another interruption. "How did this little friendship first start?"

"Well, you see-"

"Ooo! Ooooo! Can I tell it? Please, please, please?" Luz begged, giving the human boy her famous puppy dog eyes. Kevin could only chuckle and nod in response. "Awesome! Okay, so it was a few months after I left the Boiling Isles..."

(Flashback: 3 months after Luz left the demon realm. Earth)

Luz sighed as she walked through the forest behind her home, the current scenery nothing like what she had left behind in the Boiling Isles. No crazy and wacky colored trees, no little monsters she could feed food to (even though Eda had told her not to), no Bat Queen babies to keep her company. There was just nothing magical about this place. She dearly missed the demon realm and all the friends she had left behind. She missed being able to do magic, she missed Eda and her mischievous money-making schemes, missed King trying to raise an army to take over the realm, missed Hooty's Hooty-ness, missed Gus's constant questions about humans, missed Willow's upbeat attitude, and Amity...Well, what didn't she miss about Amity? It'd take her a whole day to list off everything about Amity that she lo-liked, all the stuff she liked...

It's been difficult trying to readjust to normal human life. Instead of Hexside, she now had regular high school, filled with bullies, snobby popular people, mean teachers, and so much homework that she felt as if she was suffocating. Granted, she had dealt with most of that stuff at Hexside, but at least she could do magic, at least she had Gus, Willow, and Amity.

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