Bloody Beach Party

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As the sun shone brightly down upon the residents of the Boiling Isles. Screams of laughter and joy could be heard as witch and demon alike found themselves relaxing at the local beach. Families, couples, and even those by themselves were having fun splashing around in the water; some played games and others surfed, while others relaxed on the beach, soaking in the sun's rays or reading a good book. All in all, most beach attendees seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Most attendees.

"I've been here for less than five minutes and already I wanna die."

"Will you quit being so dramatic?" Amity sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, already tired of Kevin's whining.

The duo had just arrived at the beach and were currently waiting for Luz to show up before they could start having fun. In the meantime, Kevin's clones were hard at work preparing a little area for them by laying down towels, setting up umbrellas, filling up a cooler with the ice they made by freezing the water, and keeping people away to keep the area perfect. Of course, while they did that, Amity had to deal with Kevin and his complaining.

"You can't tell me you actually like the beach, right? The sand gets everywhere, the people are loud and annoying, especially the little kids, and I hate the heat. I'll take the cold over the heat any day of the week."

"Then why did you have the beach as a suggestion?"

"Every anime has a filler beach episode. I thought it would be funny to have one of our own. But I forgot how much the beach sucks. I knew I should've suggested karaoke instead; at least they have air conditioning."

"Hmm. Karaoke would've been fun, actually."

"Right? So let's go do that instead. I'll buy the drinks," Kevin said as he turned and started to walk away, only for Amity to reach and grab him by the collar of his shirt before pulling him back.

"Nope! We're staying here and doing this. Any idea how much longer until Luz shows up?"

"Eda sent her and King to deliver some potions, and she told me to go ahead and meet you here. I'm sure it won't be much longer before she shows up," Kevin said. "And a bit of advice? Try not to gay panic when she does? You can barely control yourself when she's fully clothed; I'd hate to see how you react when she's half naked," Kevin warned, causing the greenette to roll her eyes.

"Trust me, I'll be fine," she said, causing Kevin to raise an eyebrow.

"You got a nosebleed when she put on your Grudgby jacket. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you have a stroke from seeing her bareback or something."

"I... shut up!" she hissed threateningly, causing him to snicker.

"Kevin! Amity! There you guys are!" a familiar voice shouted from behind them. The duo turned to see Luz running towards them at full speed, smiling from ear to ear with a small bag draped over her shoulder. She came to a screeching halt right in front of them, kicking up sand into the air. "Sorry for the wait! I had to fight off a few fire golems to deliver the potion!"

"Yes, we can tell," Kevin said as he licked his thumb and index finger before reaching over and putting out the little flame that was slowly burning away at the tip of Luz's hair. "You really should be more careful when I'm not around. The last thing this dimension needs is me going on a rampage because you got hurt."

"You being overprotective of me is really sweet, but don't worry! I got around just fine before we met; I can take care of myself!" Luz exclaimed with a cheery smile. Kevin and Amity both raised an eyebrow before looking at one another.

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