||Secret Crush||

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(end of Aijas pov)

You saw Jayden and Aija walking away from each other from the empty part of the cafeteria. Aija and you made it to the table at the same time as you ask, "What happened?" "Oh uh, Jayden and I talked about what happened at the party," she says smiling awkwardly. "Oh what did he say?" you ask. "He told me we could be friends until he... figures stuff out" Aija answers with a fake smile. You were kind of confused about what she meant by figuring stuff out but you just decided not to ask, "Oh that's good, I'm glad you guys talked about it" you say fake smiling with her. You guys then starting having a normal conversation and laughing together. "Oh, yea y/n, what did you talk to Jayden about," Jake says turning to you. "Oh, it was something about uh-" you try to think of an excuse because you don't know if Aija wanted him to know about everything you talked about, so you turned to Aija and she nods signaling not to tell him. "I ask him about homework," you say smiling trying to cover it up. "Oh alright," he says laughing a bit. You're relieved that he didn't get suspicious or anything, so you continue having a regular conversation with the group.

*time skip after lunch*

The bell had just rung and everyone started to head to their classes, "Bye guys!" you say waving as everyone split up. As you were walking to 4th period, you see Albert walking down the hallway so you decide to wave at him, but all he did was look at you and gave you a smile then turned forwards again. You were a little hurt by his action but remembered that you guys weren't supposed to interact at school. ~ I wish Kirsten would just learn her fucking lesson already~ you say in your head wishing she would just disappear. You walk into class and see Jayden sit down, he looked kind of bummed, but it was probably because of the Aija situation. You sit down here, "Hey y/n" you turn to see who it was and it was Albert. "Wait I thought we weren't supposed to interact at school" you whisper kind of loudly to him. "Yes but none of Kirsten's friends are in this class, well other than Jayden, but we're friends so it's cool," he says smiling. "Oh, well alright, what's up?" you ask happy you can talk to him in this class. "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to play Roblox later when you get home from school" Albert answers. "Yeah sure, but after I finish homework," you say smiling. "Oh come one, can't homework wait till later? You literally have hours to do that" he says sarcastically.

"Well I'm actually trying to get good grades, maybe you should too," you say laughing a bit taking out your books. "Well now that you're my friend, you can give me answers right?" he says jokingly taking out his books as well. You look at him seriously and say "Oh so you're using me for homework answers now" "Y/n you know I was joking! You need to loosen up" he says laughing at me. "I am! There's just things going on right now, but anyway, you need to learn how to do your own work" you say laughing a bit. "What do you mean things," he asks suspiciously. "Nothing it's personal friend stuff-" you answer not wanting to tell him about the Aija stuff. "Well I'm your friend soooo... you can tell me," he says smiling sarcastically. "We've been friends for a day, plus its none of your business!" you say sarcastically. "Fine whatever, it was probably boring anyways" he sighs sarcastically looking to the board. You sigh not wanting to start anything up and say, "You know, you're really annoying sometimes aretz" "At least I know how to have fun idiot," he says laughing a bit still looking towards the board. "Whatever" you laugh a bit at what he says and turn to the board as well.

The class was boring when it finally started, but it always is so you didn't expect too much.

*time skip*

It was now 7th period and you and your friends were laughing and joking around because the teacher has given you free time. "At least my hair is a natural color," Jake says sarcastically to Kaden. "Excuse me but my hair is fabulous!" Kaden gasps. "Well, I actually like his hair," Raven says laughing at Jake's joke. "Well of course you do, you like everything about him don't you," Aija says smirking at Raven. She starts turning red and so does Kaden as we all start laughing. "I knew it! She likes him!" you say smiling. "What?! No, I- Uh-" Raven stutters turning even more red trying to defend herself. Before anyone could say anything else the bell rang and everyone started getting up from their seats and walking out the door. The group started talking and making jokes while walking down the hallway, but raven and Kaden stayed silent looking away from each other the whole time. "You guys ok?" you ask looking towards them kind of worried. "Yea I'm fine my head just hurts" Raven blurts out fake smiling. "Oh uh alright, you can come over to my house today if you want, I have some stuff that'll make you feel better" you suggest. "Oh uh, yeah I'll come over," she says still fake smiling. You all make it to the exit of the school as you start heading to your cars, "I'll send you my address" you tell raven getting out your phone to text it to her. Raven nods as she starts walking to her car, she still looked kind of worried, but that was just because of her stomach ace- right?

You get to your car and start heading home when you get a text,

Jakie 😎🤞
hey, Kaden is going to hang out at my house today and we were wondering if you order us postmates to my house :)

You laugh at his text and we're at a red light so you reply,

really-? ;-; you have your own money jake

Jakie 😎🤞
yea but like- nvm I guess we'll starve 🙄

don't you have food at your house?! don't be lazy jeeze 😒

Jakie 😎🤞
fine I'll just cook something, but if my house burns down and I die it's your fault just so you know

i- ok.. fine I'll order your dumb postmates

Jakie 😎🤞
thx y/n :) we both want mcdonald's btw <3
and don't ruin the order
and make sure it doesn't come late


Jakie 😎🤞
that's your fault for texting and driving but ok

but you're the one who- nvm, bye 😢

You put down your phone and laugh at the text messages as you continue on your way home.

Authors note

I actually want mcdonald's rn.. welp- just like jake said, guess i'll starve 😎💪

also WE MADE IT TO 100 READS!! and also if u wanna help my book grow bigger it'll really help if u guys voted my story too! you don't have to but it'll really help and boost my confidence abt this book AND TY TO THE ONES WHO DID VOTE I RLLY APPRECIATE IT

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