||Another Plan||

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The rest of the day was pretty normal, you and Albert even made another video together after catching up from not talking for a while. You still didn't know who the extra ticket was for though, so you decided to ask finally on the call with Albert, "Oh yea I wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"I noticed an extra ticket in the box, it isn't yours is it?"

He paused for a moment as you get the ticket out of the box and stare at it in confusion, "Ohh that must be Jaydens... I got him a ticket but we haven't really been talking recently"

"I mean you did kiss his girlfriend," you say sarcastically trying to lighten the mood.

"First off I never wanted to in the first place! And Kirsten said she even told him and he didn't care"

You then start thinking for a moment trying to process what he said, but if he didn't care then why isn't Jayden talking to him?

"Oh really? When was the last time you talked to him?"

"I tried talking to him the day after the incident at lunch but everything was just awkward"

"I can try talking to him, I'll add him to the call," you say happily hoping to help them.

"Oh uh, sure" Albert responds laughing awkwardly.

So you do exactly that, at first he didn't answer, but the second time he did,

"Hello?" Jayden answered yawning.

"Oops did I wake you up? Sorry I just wanted to ask you something"

"No you're fine, I had to get up soon anyway, but what's up?"

"So uhh.." you didn't really know how to put it since you didn't want to make things even more awkward, "Are you like- mad at Albert or something he's been whining about it"

"Y/n!" You hear Albert say laughing a bit.

"What! You weren't saying anything!"

You hear Jayden laugh a bit too since he didn't know Albert was there, "What no why would I be mad at him?"

"Well ya know, he kinda kissed your girlfriend so"

"Oh my god-" you hear Albert laugh to himself.

"I already know about all that, I didn't really care since, you know.. but anyways of course I'm not mad at him"

"Ohhh so you're.. not mad- I thought you were-," Albert says awkwardly.

"Well this is just awkward now"

"Oh sorry if it seemed that way, I was just kind of irritated with the whole Kirsten thing, I just want her gone"

You understood how he felt, you wanted the same thing. You started thinking about it and finally think of a solution, "Guys I think I have a plan, Jayden I'll add you to our group chat and we can all talk there"

"Oh alright cool!"  Jayden says happily

"Oh by the way do you still want this plane ticket to California?"

"A what?"

"I thought Albert told you"

"Oh.. whoops" Albert answers laughing a bit.

"We're going to California?! What when why?!"

"This Monday, I was going to see my parents but afterwards we can do other stuff too"

You're everything I needed (Flamingo Albert x reader)Where stories live. Discover now