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d/l = dress length
d/c= dress color

A couple weeks went by and you and your friends were given the exciting news that Kirsten has moved schools. You were hoping to get her suspended but at least she was gone for good. She was forced to delete all the blackmail she had too, which was a good thing of course. It was finally Saturday and Albert had told everyone about the idea he was talking about for prom, they all agreed and decided today was the day everyone would go to the mall to get their outfits together.

Everyone went in Jakes's car again as you finally make it to your destination. "So do you guys have any idea on what you're gonna get?" Aija asked closing the car door. "Nope, I'll just find something that catches my eye I guess" you reply looking at the huge mall in front of you. You could see people who looked like seniors walking in through the big glass doors, they were probably getting ready for prom as well. "Alright we should get going before all these people buy everything before we even get a chance" Albert adds laughing to himself as you all agree and start heading towards the doors.

You finally step into the mall and instantly hear the noise of thousands of people talking at once, you didn't know so many people were going to be here, "Soo- where do you guys wanna start looking?"
Everyone paused to think about it as Albert said, "Since there's so many people we should split up, me Jake Jayden and Kayden can go shop at other stores. We can all meet by the entrance when we're done." "Alright sounds good, we'll text you when we're done" Aija respond before you guys go in separate directions.

As you guys make conversation on your way to the store, you randomly remember the "fight" you and Kirsten had. You remembered how Jake was acting weird all of a sudden. Although he was still acting like himself, he was just more distant than before, especially you and Albert. "We're here!" Raven says happily breaking you out of your thoughts. "Woah this place is huge-" you say relaxing where you were. It was a big store with a whole bunch of dresses and accessories, perfect for occasions like this. "Where do we even start-?" Aija asked looking around at her surroundings. "I guess we just start looking here" you replied pointing at the rack of dresses to the side of you.

You all started looking through a bunch of dresses trying to find the right one, you felt like you were in a princess's closet. "I found one!" Raven calls out to you guys taking it out from the rack bringing it to you guys. You stop your search and look to see her holding a light purple long dress.

"Oh my gosh that's so pretty, you'll look great in it!" Aija says excitingly as you agreed

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"Oh my gosh that's so pretty, you'll look great in it!" Aija says excitingly as you agreed. You and Aija continue to look for a dress as Raven went to go get hers tailored in the dressing area. "Have you found one yet?" you ask Aija seeing if she had any luck finding one. "Nope-" she sighed before pulling out a dress, "Oh wait never mind, I think I found one!" "Lemme see!" Raven says coming from the dressing room. Aija then holds a green dress to the side of her making sure it fits her height.

"How are you guys finding these good dresses!" you say sarcastically as you continue to look for yours

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"How are you guys finding these good dresses!" you say sarcastically as you continue to look for yours. "Just keep looking, you'll know when you see the right one" Aija laughs examining her dress. Now that both of them found their dress you felt the pressure that you had to choose yours quickly. You knew you guys weren't in a rush but you didn't want to hold them up. Aija went to the changing room to get her dress as you continued your search, when you finally find it.

You pull out a d/l d/c dress from out of the rack and stare at it in awe. "Guys- I think I found it," you say holding it up to your body. "Oh my god, I love it! Try it on I need to see it on you!" Raven says excitingly as she and Aija push you to the dressing room. "Ok ok hold on!" you laugh going into the dressing room closing the door. You immediately put on the dress and it even fit your body shape perfectly! "Hurry up lemme see!" Aija said knocking on the door. "Jeeze give me a sec!" you respond jokingly as you open the door. There was a pause for a moment as you saw Raven and Aija stare at you making you a bit worried, ".. What?! Should I pick another one-?" "Should you pick a new one?!" Raven responded mocking you, "You literally look like royalty!" "I love it so much you look absolutely gorgeous in it!!" Aija added shaking you by your shoulders. "I can't wait for everyone to see it!" Raven says happily.

As you were about to say something you heard your phone buzz from the bench in the dressing room. "Oh hold on I think it's the others," you say quickly getting your phone. It was a text from Albert.

Albert 🦩
hey just letting you know we're finished :  )

Since you weren't in a rush you decided to text back before changing into your regular clothes again.

alright we're almost done, u guys can just meet us at the entrance

Albert 🦩
alright sounds good :^)
btw we're at this food stand so do you want anything?

You were about to reply back when you hear Aija from behind you, "Who is it?" "Oh it's just Albert" you replied kind of startled by her. "Well hurry up then they're probably waiting for us" Aija responded sarcastically. "You wanted me to put on the dress in the first place!" you say closing the door laughing.

You pull back out your phone and text back,

sorry, aija was yelling at me again-
but yea sure! you can just get me whatever : )

Albert 🦩
ok, i saw they had that one snack you liked so I got you that

oh thanks!!

Albert 🦩
but uh
we only brought enough money for the prom stuff and Jake didn't have enough cash on him so-
i just got some for us to share if that's ok with you 😅

wow and he has the audacity to call ME poor-
LMAO but yea we can share don't worry about it :)

Albert 🦩
alright see you guys at the entrance 🤠

You laugh a what you said as you change back into your regular clothes. After you guys get some accessories to go with your dresses, you headed to the entrance. Aija and Raven ended up getting some food while everyone ate in the car on the way back to Jake's house.

*time skip*

It was only a couple of weeks until prom was starting and every once in a while you would see people getting asked to prom in the hallway, you were happy for them, but also kind of sad at the same time. You always imagined being asked out to prom like how they do in the movies, you didn't want to be put in the spotlight or anything, you just wanted to know what it would be like. But you brushed it off as you reminded yourself you'll be going with all your friends, or so you thought.

Authors note

one of the final drama scenes are coming up leading to the end of the book- 😀

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