||Missing Pt.3||

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(end of Alberts POV)

As you finally made it to the airport, Kirsten texted you she'd wait for you at the airport once you're almost there. You were glad you two finally became friends, but you started to wonder if it was really the best idea. You made your way through the airport to try to find your stop when you finally make it. You checked what time the flight was supposed to be leaving at it was only 15 minutes away. You had 15 minutes left until you left all your memories behind. It kids of stressed you out that you were leaving, you never got to properly apologize to everyone, but Kirsten said it was for the best, and you believed her.

You sigh before sitting down with your suitcase, it almost felt unreal.

*little time skip*

There were only 2 minutes left, you couldn't stop looking at the time on your phone, you even started regretting what you were about to do. It felt like time was going by even quicker. You felt really anxious as you heard the announcer saying that the gate to your flight has been opened. but as you got up and
were about to enter the gate, you heard a familiar voice coming from behind you, "Y/n!" You quickly turned around realizing it was Albert, you were excited for a moment but your smile faded when you remembered everything that happened. But as you looked closer you saw Aija and Raven running up to you, which kind of confused you, but before you could have a reaction they grabbed you into a hug, "Oh my gosh y/n you're still here!" "Oh- uh yeah-" you laughed awkwardly thinking they were still mad at you as they let go. Before you could ask what they and the others were doing here Aija grabbed you by the shoulders and started shaking you, "What the fuck is wrong with you did you really think you could leave us like that are you crazy?!" "I thought you guys were mad at me!" you replied confused trying to get your focus back as she stoped shaking you. "We're sorry we didn't believe you before and didn't let you explain" Raven added guilty. "That rat Kirsten was the one who told us about it!" Aija continued as the rest of the group finally caught up. "Yea it was really stupid- We didn't mean to be so mean to you like that" Kaden said as Jayden added, "We should of let you explain, i'm sorry too"

You were silent for a while before a smile appeared on your face once more, "It's fine, I forgive you guys," you replied as the guilty feeling came back, l I'm sorry as well... I shouldn't of trusted Kirsten" "We can deal with her later, i'm just glad you're ok!" Raven added smiling hugging you again. The anxious feeling you felt faded away as you realized you didn't have to deal with this alone anymore. But as Raven pulled away you turned to Jake who looked the most guilty of all before he finally walked up to you. You couldn't help but remember the fight you guys had which kind of made the bad feeling come back in your stomach before he finally spoke, "Hey uh- Ik really sorry as well, I didn't want any of this to happen- everything I said when I taught was just anger and jealousy and I wish I never said those things. And I never should of agreed to Kirstens help, you deserve to choose who you wanna end up with and if it's not me i'll support it either way-! But if you don't want to forgive me I understand-"

You both stared at each other for a moment before you finally hugged him, "Well you can be a dumbass sometimes, but of course I forgive you," you laughed before pulling away, "Just dont do it again" "I won't" he laughed before your other friends began talking to each other. The feeling of relief filled your body as you looked at everyone talking again like normal when you turned to Albert, there was still one more person you needed to apologize to. "Hey.. Albert" you greeted anxiously. "Hey- what's up?" he replied smiling. "I wanted to apologize for ya know- the argument we had, I didn't mean what I said about not trusting you, and i'm actually really grateful you stayed when I felt like I had nobody else-" you answered smiling as well. "Oh it's fine, i'll just glad you're ok!" he said happily, "Plus you know I wouldn't tell everyone that, right?" "Yea I know it was kind of stupid-" you replied laughing awkwardly.

Before you could say anything else, you were surprised when he pulled you into a hug. "I missed you too Albert-" you laughed hugging him back. "Sorry I just cant believe we actually made it-" he replied laughing as well pulling away before continuing, "I'm glad I didn't loose you-"

As you started into each others eyes, you felt just like you did when you danced together, why-? But before you could answer Aija and the others came up to you guys, "Guys we had a funny plan to get Kirsten away from us once and for all!" "What is it?" you asked pushing your feelings aside. "Ok so it's not really a plane but- we could just call her and cuss her out" she replied in a weirdly calm tone. "What?" Albert laughed as Jayden added, "I wanted to blackmail her with our cringey text messages!" "Yea but then we'd just do what she was doing!" Aija replied sarcastically. "I mean cursing her out does sound fun-" you replied thinking you could finally scream at her without being blackmailed.

"I'm in" Albert replied happily as you guys began to walk to the exit of the airport. "I'll just watch-" Kaden added laughing.

Before leaving you canceled the ticket and luckily got your money back, and also your friends. You couldn't believe you were finally a group again, you haven't felt this happy in a long time.

*time skip*

Once you all drive back to Aijas house, you did what you said you would, and cursed her out. It was pretty funny how mad she got and hung up, you were too busy laughing to realize. At least she was gone for good.

Not only that but your friends helped you get back in school, it's like you never left. And since your house wasn't fully sold yet, you managed to get it back and you and your friends put everything back to the way it was. Everything felt normal again, just like you wanted. It look a few days but you guys needed up moving everything back. The only thing you needed to worry about now were the senior tests to graduate-

Authors note


also not important but my other youtooz finally came today 🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗

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