Part 32

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Louis POV

This is going to be the day we die I just know it! We leave the pack house with the kids running around Harry's wheelchair as Blair didn't want him to walk and he's to pissed at us to let us pick him up. Casp's and Theo shifted into there pups completely shredding their clothes as they run towards Anne and Robins. Caspian's pup took after Zayn's being as jet black as his while Theo's pup looked more like Liams. Paisley and Everly were quick to follow their brothers of course asking permission from Harry first and disregarding their clothes before shifting. Everly pup was stark white just like Nialls and Paisley was my little red pup. 'We'll meet you two at Anne and Robins, bye loves.' I say as me, Zayn, and Niall quickly shift into our wolf forms leaving Liam to drive with Hazza.

' I say as me, Zayn, and Niall quickly shift into our wolf forms leaving Liam to drive with Hazza

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 "Thank you Liam

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"Thank you Liam." I heard Harry say as the two of them finally arrived at the house. The kids were still letting their pups free as we just told them we were popping by for a visit, figuring Harry could tell them why we're really here. Liam picked Harry up bridal style out of the car as Harry just continued to smile at him. Once they entered the house Liam gently placed Harry on the couch then proceeding to grab Gemma, Anne, Robin, and us to the room to talk. Harry gave everyone a bright smile except for us three, instead he gave us a glare. Damn it! I thought Liam got us in the clear, guess he only got himself free from his rathe. "Mom, Gemma, Robin I need some help." he says with a sigh looking down on his bump. "Whats the matter baby?" Anne asked putting his feet in her lap as she sat on the end of the couch. "We just came back from the doctors and now I'm on bed rest because I'm suffering from severe morning sickness and my blood pressures too high so I need to stay in bed and I-I need help. I have f-four b-babies that need me m-m-mum and mates as well b-but I'm stuck in bed and I-I-I don't k-know who else c-can help me." he sobbed, rambling away all of his worries as Gemma cradles him. "Of course baby. Robin, Gemma, and I will be at your place soon okay? No more tears mamas gonna help, baby." she says getting up from the couch placing a kiss on his head. Harry nodded as his eyes started to droop exhausted from the days events. "Get him home, we'll be there in 15." Gemma tells us as Robin brings in our naked kids. Nodding Liam picks him up bridal style as I grab the kids from Robin before getting into the car and heading home.

"Yes dear, everything is in order for when they come. Both guest rooms have new freshly cleaned sheets and were spruced up by Niall. Do you need anything love before we head back downstairs to the kids?" Liam asked as he tucked Harry snug into the bed. "Yes a word with them." he says looking over Liam and at us, he nods then places a quick kiss on Harry's head before running out of the room. We stood as still as statues waiting for his screams only for them to never show. He just patted the side of the bed beckoning us to come and sit. "Liam already explained your guy's story." he smirks tiredly as his eyes were shut. We let out the breathe we were holding in mentally making a note later to thank Liam for taking the bullet. "I know this pregnancy is different than the one with the quads but that doesn't mean you guys need to be scared of me. Just be softer and be prepared to get snapped at but know that I don't mean it. I don't want you guys to have to be walking on egg shells around me, I just need a more gentle approach from you guys in certain aspects, okay?" he says smiling showing off his dimples that we've desperately missed all day. Nodding we each give him a kiss and quietly leave the room as soft snores fill the silence.

"GRANDMA! GRANDPA! AUNTIE GEM!" the kids yell as we open the door to the trio. they happily hug the kids in their human forms even though they of course got snuggles when we visited their house earlier. "Hello babies! Is your Mommy asleep?" Anne asked after she gave each of them a kiss. "Mommy's been sleepin since we've been home." Paisley informs her grandmother while Anne was thankful for the information. Robin grabbed the girls suitcases and made his way upstairs while Anne went to prepare dinner and Gemma entertained the kids. Liam and I decide to see if we could help Anne out with anything as Niall and Zayn went to help wrangle the pups. "Liam Louis just the two I wanted to see. Liam could you run to the store and grab these things that I know will help Harry. Louis can you go into your room to cuddle him he needs a mate right now." Anne says handing a green small paper over to Liam while I nod my head and run up into our room happy to cuddle up with my mate. He laid there fast asleep with soft snores escaping his parted lips, I quietly sneak into the covers behind him and wrap him into my embrace letting his belly rest on mine and his head rest on my shoulder. "Love you." he whispered out into the darkness while I pecked his head lulling him back to sleep thinking over the craziness of the day.

Maybe the extra help won't be so bad.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think of the pups? I forgot to say that in this world pups experience their first shift one their first birthday. Will chaos ensue in the house while Harrys on bed rest? Is he on bed rest for the rest of his pregnancy or just for a little bit? Please feel free to vote, comment, follow me, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four! Please comment what you want the twins to be along with some name suggestions or characteristic you'd like them to have.


Caspian's pup:

Theodore's pup:

Everly's pup:

Paisley's pup:

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