Part 19

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one of the funny onesies Harry got

Nialls POV 

  "Come on guys were going to be late to our appointment." Harry yells at the bottom of the stairs. "We're coming love." Liam says cheerfully as we make our way down the stairs, "And they say the pregnant one takes the longest" Harry says with a smirk. "You can't rush beauty" Louis says taking one last look at his hair to make sure it was perfect earning a laugh from Harry. We all make our way into the car and start our trip to the pack house. We arrive and Harry does all the basic requirements they need from him. "Hello boys. Hello Harry how are you today?" Blair asks as she enters the room. "Good, the occasional aches and pains occur every so often but a massage will usually help with those." Harry tells her, "Thats perfectly normal, I hope your mates know how to give a good massage." she smirks but Harry was quick to assure her with him sporting his own smirk. "Everything looks perfect Harry so shall we take a look at the little ones?" Blair asks pulling the ultrasound machine over towards him as we all nod our heads I excitement. "There they are! They look perfect for starting in your seventh month of pregnancy! Would you like some photos?" Blair asks at the end of her diagnosis, 'Please' I say. She gets up and makes her way out of the room as Harry cleans up his tummy and pulls up his paternity jeans. "Here you go! Please call if you boys have any questions. Have a good day." Blair says handing over the pictures and making her way to her next patient. We make our way out from the pack house and get into the car. "Could we go shopping for the nursery?" Harry asked shyly looking down at his bump when we all get situated in the car. 'Of course!' I say and start to drive towards the nearest baby store.

   We get to the store and Harry pretty much runs in, well more like speed waddles in but it was the closest thing we've seen to him running in a long time. We make our way in there and he automatically makes his way towards the clothes section. We each grab a cart and follow after him, only to spot him looking at cute little onesies holding a couple of sets. He looks at us and throws them into my cart saying "Lets go pick out everything for the nursery!" as he waddles over to the crib section. In the end we picked out four cribs, a rocking chair, a changing table,  diapers, diaper cream, mattress cover with each of them having a different pattern to them, a noise maker, two sets of double strollers, four bathtubs, stuffed animals, and much more. By the time we made it back to the clothing section Harry had to grab a basket because we didn't have anymore room in the carts.  He picked out enough shoes, socks, outfits, and coats to last them a life time when they're most likely going to grow out of them in a matter of months. None of us dare to comment though because seeing Harry this happy made us extremely happy. We go up to the front desk with all of our findings spending way more than we should have but none the less made our way home.

  By the time we got home Harry was barely able to keep his eyes open, exhausted by the long morning we had and not getting a good nights sleep last night because of the little ones we were surprised he didn't crash in the middle of the shopping trip. "Love why don't you go take a nap and we'll go start setting up the nursery?" Liam suggests lightly as Harry is leaning heavily on Zayn to keep himself from falling. "No, no I'm fine (YAWN)... lets get started on the nursery." Harry says pushing off Zayn and making his way towards the stair. We all look at each other trying to come up with a way to get Harry to lay down so he can take a nap while we work. Being the first to come up with a thought I immediately go with my idea 'Well Harry' I fake a yawn in the middle 'I don't know about you but we're beat. Do you think you could read to us for a little bit?' I say. The others catch my drift start to fake sleepiness as well "Oh my four babies of course I'll read to you. But only for a little bit because I need to start making lunch." Harry says with a tired smile slowly making his way up the stairs. He grabs our new book from the shelf and makes his way towards the bed to sit on the edge. "Harry would you mind if we cuddled while you read?" Zayn asked luring Harry into the middle of the bed so he can fall asleep. He only got to the second page of the book before he passes out. With Harry and the babies asleep we slowly make our way towards the nursery not wanting to wake Harry. "Okay guys, Niall start setting up the changing table, Louis and Zayn set up the cribs while I start to work on the accessories." Liam says as we go down to the car to grab all the items. It took a whole three hours but the nursery was finally complete.

(The nursery has pink and blue accents too, not just pink like in the picture) 

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(The nursery has pink and blue accents too, not just pink like in the picture) 

  Harry woke up around two-thirty so that gave us time to clean up a bit. We were sitting on the couch when we heard someone descending the stairs. Louis is quick to his feet to help harry down the rest of the stair. With him being so big and with much persuasion, one of us always walks up and down the stair with him to make sure he doesn't slip or fall. "You four tricked me." Harry says as Louis helps him sit down on the couch with a scowl gracing his features as we let out a chuckle. "We might have but we also may or may not have finished the nursery" Zayn says lovingly immediately causing Harrys face to light up with glee. "Well lets go have a look." Harry says making grabby hands at us so we help him up. I pull him up and we make our way towards the nursery. When Zayn opens the door for him he lets out a gasp as tear spring to his eyes. He walks over to the cribs and places a hand on each of them as he makes his way down the line of cribs. He then walked over towards the changing table admiring that for a bit then finally lowering himself down on the rocking chair with both hands rub his huge tummy. "Its prefect, thank you." he says with tears streaming down his face. "Only the best for our babies" Zayn says making his way over and kissing Harrys head only to be engulfed in a hug from him. Repeating the same with the rest of us he declared that he would never leave this room because it was now his favorite.

  This room was now all of our favorite room.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so happy to see that so many of you enjoy this book! Please comment down below some name suggestions, don't forget its two boys and two girls.


nursery pic

Onesie pic

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